Chapter 1

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Everything was fuzzy, her head hurt, and someone was dabbing at her face with a cold, wet cloth.

Opening her eyes, Amelia took in her surroundings.

The room was huge and the furnishings antique.

Above her head was a large crystal chandelier, to her left there was a wooden vanity with a mirror and a small stool-like chair with no back.

On either side of the overly large bed in which she was laying there were night tables with lamps that seemed to be made out of antique Egyptian pots.

Behind the enormous headboard that was made out of plush leather was an entire wall of windows floor to decorative ceiling in height.

Taking in the room was an eye-opener.

Seeing the room seemed to be bringing everything all back to her.

Yet it was only after taking in the person dabbing her forehead that everything came crashing back to her mind.

Quillon's mother looked at Amelia while dabbing the cloth across her forehead; her look was one of mild contempt.

Amelia was a little thrown by the look on the Queen's face.

"Where is Quillon?"

"My son is in a meeting with the council so that he may learn all that has taken place in his absence."

Amelia shook her head.

There was a moment of awkward silence.

"There will be many meetings for my son to attend over the coming days... he has neglected his duties for too long now."

Amelia understood that loud and clear.

The Queen wanted her to leave Quillon alone and not be a hindrance to him while he takes back on his royal responsibilities.

"I won't bother him. I just need to ask him a few questions."

"He does not answer to you. You are but a commoner here and beneath my son in every way."

Amelia was sure the look of what the fuck was very plain on her face for the Queen to see.

"You will do as he says not question him and his do not have that right."

Those words were spoken with such royal disdain from the Queen's lips; it almost made Amelia feel like garbage.

Too bad for the Queen that Amelia refused to feel that way.

"Your son is not my Prince. I live and belong to a country that upholds democracy, not a monarchy."

The Queen looked aghast at her backtalk.

"Also, your son kidnapped me so yes he owes me some answers. "

The Queen slapped the washcloth down on the bed and rose all in one motion.

Turning away from Amelia the Queen marched across the room before flinging open the door and yelling for the maid to come and clean up the water she had spilled when jumping to her feet.

She then left the room without another word.

Amelia didn't care what that old bag thought.

She might be a commoner and she had rights and freedoms that were granted to her as an American and she would be damned if some Prince, even if said Prince was Quillon, was going to tell her what to do or get away with kidnapping her.

Crossing her arms over her chest, Amelia huffed in anger; before deflating in acceptance.

No matter how mad she was, she had to admit the truth to herself.

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