here we go again.

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I'm. Honestly. Done.

                Able (younger brother)
                & me ) mom confronted me about my sexuality but not toooo strongly ?

So this whole thing happened with one of my younger cousins and long story short she's been talking to OLDER men on a 'hooking' up app and my uncle found her with a guy inside my grandmas car ?? Idk everything is wild and she's only 15 or 14 idk ?...

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So this whole thing happened with one of my younger cousins and long story short she's been talking to OLDER men on a 'hooking' up app and my uncle found her with a guy inside my grandmas car ?? Idk everything is wild and she's only 15 or 14 idk ?? But anyways.

My mom was trying to collect all the tea and she did so she came into my room to tell me. And once she did I was like well shit my cousin wild. And bold. Not even me.

So when my mom came into my room she closed the door and she never really does that so when she started talking about my cousin I was like oh she probably didn't want my dad to hear.

But once she was done I was asking her a few questions and the conversation finally ended with a 'she wild'

And that's when it happened.

She said and I quote.

"So Able told me you're into girls?"

I looked at her and I could just feel my whole mood fall and my heart literally fell outta my ass and I was just shocked. She was just looking at me with squinting eyes as her hand was pressed again the door and I was just watching her.

Until I finally smiled but it was a VERY fake one and I just said what. She told me again and I was just trying to think of what the fuck was gonna happen.

I just felt tears in my eyes thinking well fuck em I gonna have to officially come out to her ?? I wasn't ready. She then when on again to tell me Able told her that I liked girls.

And that the whole conversation started because he asked her if she'd be shocked if he was gay and she said she didn't know and that she said only a little and that's when he said.

"Did you know Vanessa's gay." And he processed to tell her that I was into girls and etc. and as she was telling me I was just thinking


I felt robbed just like he did when someone else was the one that told everyone he was gay. I was just idfk but i wanted to die.


So I guess she was just going on so I can come out to her and confirm but I was just too shocked and I had a killer headache to begin and I was just sHOCKED !

So she said that she told him

"She Probably does, because she told me yesterday that she looked like a boy"

Which I have no idea why that would suspect anything of me liking girls ?? I told her that I feel like people think I look like a boy when I wear boyish shirts and no makeup or anything (I was wearing a marvel shirt that I actually stole from one of my cousins wayyy back)

So I just looked away from her and she just opened my room door and said

"Well yeah I told him you probably do"

And left. And now I have a killer headache and I wanna die. And also kill my brother. And I just I don't know. I'm emotional now and all I wanted to do was reread my harry fanfic in peace 😔

 I'm emotional now and all I wanted to do was reread my harry fanfic in peace 😔

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So yeah now I'm locking myself in my room for the rest of the day. :)))

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