9. Prep

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Dedicated to my dear sis. Thanks for waking me from my sleep. You're the reason behind this update >v<


Everyone in the school was quite busy the whole week. Teachers busy with the jobs given to them, students preparing the different items as directed by authorities, and the management working their way to provide the best of the best for the new arrivals, who hadn't even actually arrived yet! Even Principal Minamoto looked really busy, not that she never used to earlier! This whole thing----just for the Welcoming Ceremony; for the male students of course.

Neori and Saomi were also caught up in this whole business, Neori having a solo singing performance and Saomi, a piano piece with 14 other students of the school orchestra.

"Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do....Do Ti La So Fa Mi Re Do," Neori went on with her vocal exercises.

"Good, now start with E," said Hirasawa Sensei, who was in-charge of all the music and singing performances. That was, kind of, her job at Ohayo, apart from being a counsellor.


"Ok so that's it for now. Go have your lunch and come back for afternoon practice. Don't be late ok girls."

"Yes, sensei," all the girls in the music room, about 30 in number, replied.

"And......Saomi and Neori.....meet me now please....the rest can go," Hirasawa added.

The room quietened down as the girls vacated the room one by one. Then, Saomi and Neori, from opposite ends of the room, came to Hirasawa Sensei.

"Alright....Neori, Saomi....one second," she said, gesturing the two to sit down on the chairs nearby, as she herself put away the papers from her hand, "Yes, so," she went on as the room was completely empty, "about the Welcoming Ceremony, like any other function, there needs to be one show-stopper and.......you two are the best we have in your fields," she paused to let the two sink that in.

"So.....you want us to...." Saomi started.

"I want you to try something out," she cut Saomi short, "Come..."

Not knowing what to expect, Neori and Saomi followed Hirasawa Sensei to where the keyboard was and said, "Saomi, I want you to play .......just anything right now. Whatever comes to your mind. Self-composed would be good. But let the same chords go on and on, like an accompaniment"

Saomi nodded.

'Not so difficult' she thought.

"And Neori, I want you to sing along once you get the rhythm. Hum along first and then add lyrics of your own."

Neori nooded but.....

'How am I supposed to do that?!!!' she thought, complete opposite of Saomi.

"Alright, start when you're ready, Saomi."

Saomi sat down on the seat, Neori sitting on the other side of the keyboard, a deep breath and the piano music starts.

"Not too hard, Saomi, please. Not too hard", Neori thought.....ok, this is alright I guess, 1...2...3....1...2...1....2...1...2....3.... ok ok.....here we go.....

"Tururu.....Turu...Turu....Tururu...." this went on for some time while Hirasawa Sensei sat in a corner with her eyes closed listening carefully.

'Oh God! Oh God! Lyrics lyrics.....what should I do....I'm the worst at that....Maybe I'll drop lyrics.....yep....of course not! I can't have Sensei thinking I'm a.....a...a....hummer!!!! I'm a singer...I need to show that' Neori thought while her humming was going on 'Oh wait!....I can...oh yeah...'

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