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"Ladies and Gentleman, we are beginning our desent into Pennsylvania, please stay seated"

I groaned aloud, I just want to go back to England but that's wishful thinking. I always thought people adopted little kids! Not 17 year old's! What kind of couple would want a child for 2 months?! 2 months! I can move out before I even remember their names!! .

I slowly walked through the terminal towards the baggage claim, trying to buy as much time as possible before I meet my new 'parents'.  I noticed my suitcase coming towards me and I reached to grab the handle and heaved it with all my strength towards me.

However, I am so clumsy that this is a huge task for me. So instead of grabbing my bag easily and walking away like a boss with my head held high...I lost my grip just as it fell off the conveyer belt and I punched myself in the nose.

Yay me!

I knew I was bleeding when I could taste iron in my mouth. Glancing around for a bathroom, I spot one a few metres away and run towards it with my suitcase in tow. I looked in the mirror and gasped, my nose was red raw with Scarlet red blood pouring out of my nostrils.

Get it! 'scarlet' as in the colour and 'Scarlett' is my name...



Alright then...

After stopping the blood with a lot -and I mean a lot- of toilet roll, I then cleaning up my face and changed my shirt with a clean one from my suitcase. I walked back outside to the luggage claim to spot a middle-aged couple, both with blonde hair and brown eyes standing there with a sign that said 'Scarletti. I rolled my eyes as they grinned brightly.

At least their enthusiastic..

I stood there for a while then began to slowly walk towards them realising they had never met me in person and I was certain they wouldn't be sure what I looked like.

"Erm...Are you Katrina and Cameron?" I tapped the womans shoulder lightly.

"Yes! Are you Scarlett?" Katrina beamed a huge smile at me.

"Er yeah" I scratch the back of my neck nervously.

Before I knew what was happening she pulled me into a bear hug, so tight I think she nearly broke my ribs. I hugged her in response, awkwardly patting her back.

When she finally released her bone crushing grip on me, I let out a breath of relief.

At least until her husband Cameron walked towards me with a grin on his face

I grimaced because I expected his hug to be 10 times worse because he was tall and looked strong but he simply held out his hand and continued smiling at me. I took his hand and shook it, internally thanking him in my head for not making this meeting even more awkward than it already is.

"Shall we go? You have school Monday and we need to get you settled in"



Ok...i'm not gonna lie, this house is freakin' awesome!

I looked up at a beautiful pure white house with a white rose bush by the side of it and what looks like a lake from the sun shining on it in the distance. All the frames on the doors and windows were white, as was the kitchen through the bottom, left window.

"Wow. It's beautiful" I looked in awe at the amazing house before me, a smile starting to tug at the corners of my lips.

"Thank you! It's been in our family for generations" Wait...Really!?

"That's a long time to own a huge house" Finally tearing my eyes away from the house I looked at Katrina and she smiled at me.

"Not really, my families sentimental. Always have been"

"Is it all white? Or is there some colour that won't blind me when I wake up"

She chuckled and looked back at the house "No there is some colour, your room is very colourful"

That reminds me!

"Ca-Can I..." I trailed off not wanting to embarrass myself incase she wanted to give me a tour first

"See your room?" I nodded

"Of course dear, I'll go show it to you"

She walked off and I followed her staying a few steps behind, mostly to take in the building.

As we walked through the front doors my eyes widened slightly at how equally amazing it was inside. The hallway was painted a maroon colour with the stairs attached to the right wall, the kitchen was to my left through a double archway and it was a blinding white colour that hurt my eyes. All the other white doors were closed. I followed her upstairs where once again all the white doors were closed.

 We finally reached a door at the end of the hallway. Katrina turned to me and grinned brightly.

"Ready?" She looked more excited than me.

"Y...Yeah" I tried not to be nervous but what if....OMG! What if its pink!?

She opened the door and practically pushed me in, my eyes widened to the max and I knew then I was smiling widely if the slight discomfort in my cheeks was any clue. The room was painted a light purple colour with one huge window to the side of it, a queen sized white bed was in the middle of the room with the light shining through the window on it.

A desk was close to where we were standing and had a laptop on top of it as well as a few notebooks, pens and pencils. There was a bedside table right by my bed with a lamp on it, my suitcase was on the bed. Overall the room was stunning and I had nothing to worry about.

Yep no pink in here, I think I would rather shoot myself than sleep in a pink room!

"Oh my god! it's amazing, thank you so much!" I cant stop smiling.

"It was no problem, I always wanted a son or daughter but I...." She trailed off and I knew it was a hard topic for her so I changed it.

"It's ok you don't have to tell me now. So what's for breakfast? You know because it's like.." I checked my watch "9am"

She laughed at me then said "Well because you're from England we made crumpets"

Oh dear

"Ermm....I don't like crumpets.."


WOOO!! First chapter!! I know its not very long but not to fear they will get longer! So next chapter is Scarlett's first trip to her new school and she makes a friend! *squeals*

I'm not gonna lie for the first few chapters it will be boring but I don't wanna just jump in without testing the water first...IT MIGHT BE COLD!


(EDITED AS OF 31/03/2015)

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