Heaven's Gate

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A/N: I started watching Grey's Anatomy again so I kinda wanted to write a sad imagine like that but I didn't have a plot, and then I listened to Heaven's Gate, so have this. Also, idk anything about medical language so I tried my best and did some research.

E.R. doctors barged into the hospital pushing two stretchers.

"Two young adults, man and woman, Patrick and Y/N. Got in a car accident," One of them said, relaying the information to one of his co-workers, "The man got a few broken ribs, one of his lungs could be punctured. Right arm broken as well. A concussion." He kept on delivering the informations as they reached one of the ER room. (I have no idea what it's called) "The woman got a shard of glass stuck in her abdomen, internal bleeding. We need to be quick and look over more injuries and send her to surgery," They put the stretchers next to one another and started looking over the injuries.

Patrick's eyes fluttered open. A look of fear mixed with worry appeared on his face as he saw a man cutting his shirt off him and a nurse plugging him to a heart monitor. His breath quickened as he tried to look around him, thus being difficult because of his neck brace. His heart rate increased.

The ER in charge of him looked at his face, "Sir, we need you to calm down, everything's gonna be okay."

"Y/N," He croaked out just above a whisper and then tried to repeat it louder.

"She's right next to us," The ER answered, causing the blond man to turn his head to see her.

His breathing suddenly stopped for a second as he saw her and multiple people over her. He groaned, shutting his eyes close, as a wave of pain shot through his chest. His breathing started again, as fast as it was, shooting more pain through his chest.

The doctor applied pressure to his chest, causing Patrick to cough blood, "Fuck, internal bleeding here as well. Definitely a punctured lung, the blood is spreading inside it." He called out to his colleagues.

"Alright, take him to a block now," The ER nodded his head and put his hand on the side of the stretcher, ready to push it out of the room, but Patrick grabbed his wrist firmly. The doctor looked down at him and saw the blond man shaking his head.

"No," He croaked out, "Let me-"

"Sir, if we don't do something now, you're going to die," He cut him off.

"I deserve to," He took a few quick and deep breaths, "I did this to her, she doesn't deserve to die because of me,"

The doctor looked around the room, not knowing what to do, "We have to go,"

Patrick sighed in defeat as more pain shot through his chest, it was becoming harder to breathe, "Just-Can I just see her before?"

The doctor bit his lip and nodded. He pushed his stretcher to the other one.

Patrick reached for her hand and grabbed it. She was unconscious. The doctors in charge of her looked at the other in confusion. He nodded toward Patrick, "Just go with it," He whispered.

"I-I'm so sorry," He started, tears in his eyes. He glanced at her and held her hand tighter, "I'll be fine, alright? But you need to go out there and start over, as many times as you can. I don't deserve you to remember me. Not after what I did," He heaved a shaky and rough sigh, blood rising up in his throat with each sentence. "But if I don't make it on the list, just help me sneak in," He chocked out with a sad smile.


He closed his eyes, "Yeah, sorry, sorry," He opened them again and looked at her, "I stopped all my bad habits for you. I thought I did, but you're the one habit I just can't kick. I'm sorry."

He looked over at the doctors around him, "If she needs anything during the surgery, take it from me. I'd give her everything if it meant she'd live," They looked at him in confusion but nodded out of politeness. He glanced at her once again, "I got dreams of my own, but I want to make yours come true." He whispered.

"We really have to go now, sir," The ER announced before rushing him out of the room.

Each breath, getting shorter and shorter, weren't bringing enough oxygen into his lung. Quickly, his right lung filled up with blood, the sound muffled and he felt himself drift away. His eyes closed and his breathing stopped once again. The doctors tried as hard they could to bring him back to life. Without success.

He was standing in front of Heaven's gate. Waiting for her to sneak him a wristband. Or help him climb over the gate. Help him get in because he wasn't on the list. He waited a long time. People passed him. And he kept on waiting for her. An old woman walked passed him. She stopped in front of the gate and said to the person guarding it, nodding toward Patrick, "He's with me."

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