Power of Will

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This chapter is for you Kyo since Armin is in it!!

Power of Will

Eren landed beside me an angry scowl stamped on his face, his green eyes glistening with hatred. "Its gone!" He shouted picking up and throwing a piece of the wall over the edge. I watched sorrowfully while leaving out a deep sigh. Everything was a mess, pieces of the wall were scattered everywhere just like 5 years ago.

"Head to HQ!" Someone shouted pulling my arm I looked to see Sasha holding a limp Samuel, her right arm extanded around his waist and his bulk arm draped around her neck, he was still out from being thrown off the wall slowly coming to. "I'll take him back to get treated but we have to go back and stop the titans from getting in." I nodded and used my 3DMG to shot myself off the wall quickly heading headquarters.

"Liz hurry there already entering!" Eren yelled passing me, I groaned and shot forward keeping pace with him. As we arrived at HQ I could see that everything and everyone was in total chaos.

"I don't want to die!"

"We haven't even graduated!"

"I want to go home!"

"I think I'm going to be sick!"

I looked around frantically trying to find the others, I spotted Eren and Jean fighting and quickly made my way over to them to break up the fight. Jean shoved Eren away and stormed off just as I reached them. "We need to go!" I yelled grabbing Eren's arm, he was stopped by Mikasa and I allowed them both a time alone.

This was it we had to fight the titans, I don't know if I'm ready for this. Eren grabbed my arm ruffly and hauled me away leaving Mikasa behind. "Hey what about-?"

"She's going to evacuate the others we need to fight!" Eren yelled turning his head slightly to look at me, I nodded slowly. Here goes nothing, I thought to myself landing on the roof top beside Mina she turned to give me a nervous smile. "Let's do this squad 34!" Eren yelled shooting off, everyone cheered and took off after him.

We were only in the air for a few seconds...only a few...and in those short few seconds I watched with the rest of my team as a giant titan ate Thomas...it swallowed him whole. Giving out a shriek in anguish I took off with Mina beside me. We began to fly swiftly through the air, I glanced at her seeing her determination written clearly in her soft brown eyes. I looked away for a second and when I looked back she was gone. Skidding to a halt I looked back to see her on the ground knocked out and a titan getting ready to put her in its mouth. I yelled and dropped to the ground in horror everyone was being eaten. My eyes looked around in pure horror, Eren was lying on top of a roof his leg bitten off and I couldn't tell if he was alive or not. Everyone of my members were in the jaws of a titan Armin was being held above another titans mouth dangling helplessly. I only turned away when his small fragile body began to fall into the titans awaiting mouth and his screams filled the air.

I couldn't stay any longer I dashed off tears streaming down my face my heart shattering. Everyones dead. Why couldn't I save anyone? A small cry caught my attention and I turned seeing a limp Marco laying on a roof top alone and in the presence of a titan.

"Marco!" I yelled, stopping beside him as the giant titan turned its gaze on me and smiled sickly. I was taken back to the day the titans attacked five years ago. I threw myself on top of Marco's quivering body, And sure enough felt a strong hand wrap around my torso dragging me away. "Marco! Go hurry!" I shouted pointing to where I came from. "Find the others!" I felt the tears falling down my cheeks as Marco stared at me dumbfounded. "Go!" I shouted more urgently without another word he stood up weakly and flew off, his usually smiling face twisted into a sorrowful stare.

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