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After our conversation the night before I would've figured that Levi would be acting differently towards me but when we walked out of our rooms at the same time he hardly even glanced my way before walking in the opposite direction. Was it all just a dream? I couldn't help but wonder if I really did imagine the whole thing but there's no denying that what happened was real. It was blurry and well hidden in the back of my mind but I do remember a boy named Rivaille being a friend of mine a long time ago. Even so did talking about his past make him want to stay away from me?

I shook my head and squeezed my eyes shut trying to get those thoughts out of my head. I'm just over thinking things as usual that's all. I smiled to myself as I entered the stables, I've always loved horses a funny fact considering my feelings towards a certain horse face. The horse I was assigned to was named Rose she's a beautiful deep brown with white patches covering her majestic body. "Hi girl." I cooed placing my hand under her nose for her to sniff, she neighed and bumped my hand so it was on her face I slowly brushed my hand along her face and neck. "Hungry?" I asked earning another neigh and a nudge. "Okay! Okay I'll get you some oats." I removed my hand from Rose and grabbed her bucket for food.

I scooped some of the specially made oats into the bucket and brought it back to Rose with a smile. "There you go girl." She shoved her face into the bucket eagerly eating away almost knocking the bucket out of my arms a few times. After Rose finished eating I put the bucket down while picking up the brush beside it and began to slowly brush her soft coat.

Some of the few memories I had of my father and I were from when he would take me to the stables to tend to the horses and I'd help him. I found that I could lose myself in thought when I brushed the horses it was soothing not only to the horse but me. I don't know how long I stood there genteelly moving the brush over my horse with a soft smile. Before I knew it Levi once again entered my thoughts and thousands of questions swam around my head. "Mornin'." A familiar deep voice said in my ear causing me to jump in surprise, I spun around to glare at the culprit.

"Eren you scared me!" I scolded bending down to pick up the brush that had fallen to the floor. He chuckled softly meeting my annoyed gaze which quickly stopped him from laughing.

"Sorry Elizabeth you just seemed really deep in thought. Care to share?" He asked leaning against the wooden wall, I shifted my eyes to the ground and shook my head.

"No it's not important bu-" I was cut off when my eyes landed on a group of people walking tentatively into the horse stables with Levi in the front of the mini pack. My heart once again began to beat faster as I locked eyes with him momentarily.

"Oi! You two get over here!" He commanded earning Eren's attention. We silently walked towards the small group my nerves beginning to kick in as I fidgeted with the sleeves of my tan jacket. "Jaeger. Mayflower. These are your new squad mates." Levi said blandly I gulped and smiled up at the total strangers, but I knew there was something wrong with my smile it probably looked more like a grimace then my usual smile. The man beside Levi began to laugh after taking a look at my face.

"What kind of smile is that?!" He asked gasping for air, I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked away embarrassed. I admit that I'm one of the shyest people when it comes to meeting someone new and I usually end up shaking like a leaf.

"Can it Oluo can't you see the poor girls nervous! Your just making it worse!" The only woman in the group scolded glaring at the man apparently known as Oluo, I looked up and sent her a thankful smile. "You must be Elizabeth. I'm Petra Ral. It's good to have another girl on the squad." She said cheerfully, I relaxed a bit at her kindness while Oluo continued to snicker quietly.

Battle of Love (Levi x OC Shingeki no kyojin/Attack on Titan)Where stories live. Discover now