Conmected Pasts Ⅱ

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Prepare for the FEELS!!


Connected Pasts Ⅱ

"Erwin. If you saw the way he fought! He's solider material." Commander Jonathan whispers harshly to his right hand man in the corner of the infirmary. Erwin stared at his superior like he'd gone off the deep end or grown another head.

"Jonathan he's a kid! And he's a criminal! Have you lost your mind?!" Erwin whispered back trying to straighten Jonathan out.

"Look at him Erwin..." Jonathan said turning his gaze to the boy as he looked around innocently his mouth gaping open in awe showing off his missing front tooth. "He's a boy yes but he has potential. Besides if we let him go back out there the Garrison will get him for sure." Jonathan argued turning back to Erwin, Erwin know that Jonathan was going to win this fight anyway because he's the Commander of the Survey Corps and Erwin was only second in command.

"Whatever you say...sir." Jonathan smiles triumphantly and turned to talk towards the boy who was now looking at his hands and kicking his feet seemingly in deep thought. Only looking up when he noticed the two men walk his way. 'Wow the Commander Jonathan Mayflower!' He thought as he stared at Jonathan in wonder. 'And second in command Erwin Smith!' The boy smiled a large smile showing off the large gap from a missing tooth as the men approached. Jonathan smiled at him and kneeled down to the boys level.

"Hey there kiddo." He stuck his hand out for the boy to shake which the boy did eagerly. "I'm Commander Jonathan Mayflower. What's your name!"

"M-my name is Rivaille Ackerman sir!" The boy or Rivaille said nervously his gaping eyes staring at his idols with wonder. Sure little Rivaille was a criminal and knew nothing but how to steal but his goal was to enter the Survey Corps just like his older sister Veronica or as she likes to be called Ronnie but he still had to wait a year before he could join.

"And how old are you Rivaille?" Jonathan ask curiously.

"12! Sir!" Rivaille answered proudly, Jonathan leaned back on his toes still kneeling in front of the young boy.

"Well Rivaille how do you feel about staying here with the other soldiers and training to be one a member of the Survey Corps?" Jonathan asked watching the boy closely, Rivaille stared at the Commander with mixed emotions part of him felt excited that THE Jonathan Mayflower offered to train him but he also felt confused and I bet hesitant. Shifting his young grey eyes to General Erwin Smith. (A/N: I have no idea what rank is below Commander so I guess that General will work idk) Erwin's eyes were cold as he stared down at the small boy his arms crossed over his muscular chest causing Levi to shrink down in fear.

Jonathan took note of this and sent Erwin a warning look, Erwin sighed and softened his intense stare to nothing more than a blank look. "S-sir I don't know... Am I going to join the trainees?" Rivaille asked innocently turning his attention back to Jonathan.

"No you'll become a member immediately, General Erwin and I will train you to our the best ability. What do you think Rivaille? Are you with us?" Jonathan asked patiently waiting for the boys response.

"I-I'd love too!" Levi smiled brightly at the two men, even Erwin seemed to be smiling slightly. Maybe this was what Rivaille need...

*That night*

The Mayflower family were all gathered around the table eating their meal when Jonathan spoke up. "We got a new recruit today..." He stated wiping his face with a napkin.

"Oh?" His loving wife Audrey asked looking up from the meat she was cutting on there daughters plate then back down. "Tell us about him or her." She continued still cutting Elizabeth's stake.

Battle of Love (Levi x OC Shingeki no kyojin/Attack on Titan)Where stories live. Discover now