Aaron (cute)

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You were so excited for today. You and your boyfriend Aaron were gonna hangout and have a movie day. The main reason you were excited for today was because you wanted to see Aaron. He's been on tour with magcon lately so you haven't really got to see him.

You jumped outta bed and put on some sweatpants and Aaron's baggy tee shirt. You just threw your hair up in a messy bun and didn't bother with makeup. You brushed your teeth then went down stairs to find something to eat. You just grabbed and apple and went back up to your room.

You checked your phone and had a new text: From- Babe😘💕
"Hey baby, hope your awake. I'll be there at about 11. That okay? Love you 😘"

You simply replied: To- Babe😘💕
"Yeah that's fine. I love you too💕"

You looked at the clocked and saw it was almost 11 so you went down stairs to pick out some movies. You went with some Classic Disney movies. You grabbed Snow-white, Fox and The Hound, Frozen, and a few others. You went into the kitchen and sat at the table waiting for Aaron.

You heard a knock on the door and answered it.
"Aaron!" You said hugging him
"Hey (y/n)!" He said hugging you back
You led him up to your room to start your movie marathon. You two laid in bed cuddled up together.

You loved being in Aaron's arms, you felt protected. Thinking about being back in his arms made you sigh.
"What's wrong babe?" He asked looking at you worried.
"I just missed being with you. I feel so protected in your arms." You said looking up at him and smiling.

He leaned down and kissed you, you kissed back. You loved his kisses. They always had that spark everyone talks about. The best thing about his kisses was how passionate he was. You smiled into the kiss and he laughed pulling away.

"That's one thing I really miss when your gone" You said
"I know babe, I miss it too" he said pulling you closer to him.
"I love you (y/n)" Aaron said kissing your nose
"I love you too Aaron" you said smiling.

And with that you two laid in bed the rest of the day watching Disney movies and cuddling.


Hey guys! Hope you liked this imagine. Expect a taylor one next.

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Love you guys!


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