Cameron Dallas

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You walked hand in hand with Cameron, your boyfriend. As you walked through the mall you saw all the girls staring at Cameron. You got kinda jealous. He noticed and gripped your hand tighter, getting your attention.

"Babe, calm down. I don't see anything in any of them"
"Good" you sighed and untensed as he kissed your head.

You and Cam were going to your favorite store, Forever 21, to get you some new clothes for your trip to Hawaii. You and Cam were supposed to leave in 2 days and you needed some clothes because the weather in Indiana is different than the weather in Hawaii.

You guys walked in and you ran off leaving Cam behind. You gathered a cart full of clothes and walked back to Cam. He paid for your clothes and you guys walked out.

You wanted to go to Aeropostale next and Cam said he was gonna go look around. You said okay and went into Aero. You bought all the clothes you got there and sent Cam a text.

"Meet me in the food court by Chipotle"
"Okay. Be there in a minute."

You walked to Chipotle and saw Cam. You guys say down and ate. Ten after that you guys went home so you could pack.

You got home and put as much if your clothes as you could in your bags. You needed enough for 3 weeks so you had ALOT of clothes to pack.

After that you went to bed cuz you were exhausted.

*skip a day to the day you guys leave*

Today was the day. The day you finally got to go to Hawaii. You were so excited!

You woke up and got ready while Cam made you guys breakfast. You showered, did your hair, did your makeup, got dressed, and then went down stairs.

You guys ate and then got all your bags put in the car. After you made sure you had everything you guys got in the car and left for the airport. You played on your phone for the 30minute ride.

Once you got to the airport you bored the plane. This was your first time flying and Cam could tell you were nervous. When the plane took off you fell asleep in his arms.

*skip looooong plane ride*

Once you guys got to Hawaii you got into a taxi and went to your beach house.

Once you guys got there you settled in and took a walk on the beach.

"I love you..." He said looking your eyes.
You were silent for a minute. Hen you finally said
"I love you too Cam."
"No I mean it" he said getting down on one knee

"(Y/N), these past 3 years I've spent with you have been amazing. I love spending time with you. I love your laugh, your smile, your everything. I want you to be mine. Forever."
By this time you were drowning in tears.
"Yes. Forever." Was all you could say.
He smiled and engulfed you in a big bear hug.

3 months later you were officially Mrs. Dallas.

A year and a half later you have birth to twins. Madeline and Xavier Dallas.

Cute/Dirty MagCon ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon