Dance For You

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Her heels pounded on the floor as she made her way to class. She had to do a double take outside of a coffee shop on her way, it was all over the papers, the death of Sherlock Holmes, they even called him a 'fake genius'. But Alice knew the truth and what was really going on, Mycroft had filled her in on Sherlock's whole plan, she had to promise to tell no one of what she knew, especially John Watson. He had to go on living like Sherlock was truly dead. The main reason she was told was because they felt she was already going through enough, his fake suicide shouldn't be at the top of the pile. Walking into the classroom she started setting up for the lesson she had planned, already having read through the supply teachers notes and assignments he had collected.
The first batch of students piled in, whispering among themselves.
"Miss Jones, your back." One of the girls said, coming up to her bench. "We heard about your brother, we're sorry for your loss."
Alice smiled at her, "thank you Miss. Benson, have a seat please."
When the bell rang she turned around, a smile spread on her red lips. "Open your text books to page 345."

The house was empty when she got home, Mycroft was still at work. Anthea must have stopped by at some point during the day because the kitchen was full of groceries. Well it was either her or the one of the staff, who Alice wasn't used to having around quite yet.
Deciding that she was a lot more exhausted than she had thought prior she placed her bag on the island and walked upstairs towards the bedroom.
Kicking off her heels she walked into the bathroom and wiped off her makeup.
Running a hand along the wall she found the switch and turned the light off. The shirt she wore to bed last night was still crumpled on the floor. Slipping out of her blouse and skirt she unclasped her bra and put the shirt on. However before she could crawl into bed, she had to clean the bedroom. Mycroft was very particular about tidiness, even if Alice could be bit of a hurricane at times.
With the laundry in the hamper and shoes on the rack on her side of the expansive closet she finally slipped under the covers and cocooned herself in the warmth.

Mycroft came home around nine, the house was quiet and dark. Alice's bag was sitting in the kitchen, yet nothing else was touched.
Opening the bedroom door he saw the top of a blonde head poking out from underneath the blankets. Mycroft sighed deeply and got ready for bed himself. Once under, Alice reached for him and attached herself to his side.

It was domesticity for the next few months. They would go to work, come home, occasionally around the same time. Mycroft was either early or she was late. They would have dinner together, had a drink or two by the fireplace, watched a film on Alice's request. Mycroft would occasionally keep tabs on John Watson. Alice and John would go out for a coffee before work where she would ask how he was doing, how he was holding up, if she could help with anything. Never dropping any indication that she knew the truth.
She even encouraged him to find companionship with someone, even setting him up for a conversation with one of the baristas.

In the car she turned on the radio, Beyonce started singing at her, it was off her latest album. She was stuck in traffic so she started to have a little show in the car, dancing in her seat.
"Loving you is really all that's on my mind
And I can't help but to think about it day and night
I wanna make that body rock, sit back and watch
Tonight I'm gonna dance for you
Tonight I'm gonna dance for you
Tonight I'm gonna put my body on your body
Boy I like it when you watch me, ah
Tonight it's going down
I'll be rockin' on my babe rockin' rockin' on my babe
Swirlin' on you babe swirlin' swirlin on you babe
Baby lemme put my body on your body
Promise not to tell nobody 'cause
It's bout to go down."
The car honked behind her and she looked in her rearview mirror with embarrassment and started driving, singing along softly.
Biting her lip she got an idea, signalling she was going to turn, she went the opposite direction of home and drove towards the mall. Since that night Alice has had some sort of sexual awakening. She was in no way a virgin but no man has ever made her crave sex like the way Mycroft has. And truthfully they've both been too busy to spend much time in each others arms unless it was to sleep.
Parking the car in the expansive parking lot she walked towards the front doors.
She walked into Victoria's Secret and began looking around. A woman in black clothes with a measuring tape around her neck approached her.
"How are you doing today?"
"I'm good."
"Will you be needing any help today?"
"I'm fine thank you." Alice said and kept looking.
She picked up a red babydoll and held it up to her body, she shook her head, baby-dolls weren't really her style. Making her way through the store she found the slips, which were much more her style, the first one she saw was a little short, it was satin and lace, they only had black available in her size however. She ran her hand over it and liked how it felt under her fingers. But what would she put with it? Slinging it over her arm she continued to look around. She found a matching satin and lace garter, biting her lip she found her size and found other things to go with it before proceeding to the checkout.

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