59 2 0

After the gruelling first day at school.
Rozé and KC went home with a long sigh that they've kept in since maths.



after I came home from school I couldn't feel my legs. Damn you teacher for making me do Physical Education on the first day. Stupid me even forgot to buy a new pair of P.E. clothes.

The day couldn't get any better for me when I remembered I already have a major task for HASS ( Health And Social Science, if you didn't know ) and it was due this week, specifically Thursday.

Being the queen of eating and hunger I forgot to start it because well, I was scavenging my fridge for any food that I can survive on for the next 2 days.


Two hours have passed and I have done nothing but eat, sleep, watch k-drama, did I mention me eating because that's literally what I did.

On the edge of boredom I decided to call up the dudes for a movie night.

Calling Hoezz...




Potato Hoe has joined the group call...

Rozé: yoooooo what you doing



Hannie has joined the group call...

Jeonghan: Kc did you start your HASS presentation??

I shake my head telling him ' n o '

Jeonghan: well hahahaha I ain't helping you good luck.
By the way... why the hell you calling at 10 in the night it's fucking pass your bedtime young lady!!!

Rozé: ya 'KC'

I could hear a tinge of jealousy in her tone

Me: first where's my boo?

Jeonghan&Rozé: who's boo?

Me: for fuck sakes I already told you before. JOSHUA! Where is he??

Rozé: She just shrugged her shoulders indicating that she doesn't know.

Jeonghan: I think he's out with that Ali girl, why??

Me: that's just sad. He could've hanged out with us Hoezzz but he's out with that snake.

I said the snake bit to myself since I didn't want this two weirdos teasing me about worrying about him.

Jeonghan: Are you 'JEALOUS' KC...

She eyed me like I was placing out my secrets out in front of her.

Rozé: OooOoOOoOooO KC's JEALOUS....

Me: Shut up Rozé! It's not like you feel the same when you see me hanging out with Jeonghan... oh... hahaha... ididntsayanythingiswear!!



Me: hehehehe😅 anyone wanna come over for a movie and eat junk food?? Anyone??



I couldn't think of how to start the story. I have major writers block if that's what you call it and my internet has been out for idk the longest time. I've been surviving off my 15gb mobile data which runs out way toooo quickly like oml kill me now I feel soo dead. I need internet ffs 😭😭😭 all I literally do is read books on wattpad, eat, sleep and worry about my 15gb Mobile data running out.😭😭😭 I can't last another month without internet😭😭😭😭

Sorry for that little rant. I hoped you enjoy this chapter even though it was confusing af. And can someone give me internet?????

- R A I