The Invite

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The Streets of California, Full of Life and indistinct sounds of the Urban Jungle.

Many Vehicles were roaming on the Blacktop of California, Headlights laid its sights on the road ahead.

Somewhere In the Californian Downtown, resides two siblings working on their cars in their Garage, The Older Sibling was very Focused on his Car's Engine

"Yo, Ray." His Sibling called, even though He didn't turned his head, He paid attention to the Caller, "Pass me a ratchet wrench, I got a Bolt Loose."

Heeding the Request, His hand reached for the wrench without Looking, and Chucked the tool towards the younger sibling.

The Younger Sibling successfully catched the thrown tool and fastened the loose bolt, "Thanks", She said.

After she fastened the loose fastener, she breathed out a content sigh, "Well, guess that's It, Nerve Hammer is Finished, just need a Paint Job, some Subs... Or Maybe Nitro Boosts, Whaddya Think, Raymond?"

The Older Sibling looked at his Sister, with Eyebrow raised, He gets back tuning his tweaking his Engine and shook his head.

"I Guess Nitrous is out of the Question, Paint Job and Subs it is, Then" She said, before walking to the Mini fridge and grab some sodas.

"Hey, Head's Up!" She said, before throwing a can of cold soda to his Elder brother, Pitcher Style.

The can flew straight towards him, but stopped as it touches the Man's hand, the Impact done almost nothing.

The black Haired Boy stared at his younger sibling with blank, unamused eyes, and proceeded to crack open the soda and chugged down the Drink.

"So, About the Subwoofers, I mentioned earlier... Where can we find some cheap subs?" The Younger asked, she has no Idea where to find some Quality yet cheap Subwoofers.

The Boy raised his eyebrow, and tilted his head forward.

"What? Andy's Audios?" The Younger said, before brushing it off, "Dude, That Guy sells trash audio wares, I mean, That Headphones I Bought there didn't last for a week!" She yelled.

The boy can just let out a sigh and shook his head, turning his attention back to his Car.

The Younger Sibling pouted and put away her soda, crept behind his older sibling and jumped to his back before letting out an annoyed moaning.

"Raaaaaaaay..." the Younger Sibling moaned as she latches on her Brother's back, "Help Me choose some Speaker sets, I can't Choose on my ooooown..." She Cried.

The Elder sibling can only clicked his tongue and tried his best to not lose focus on Tuning, after all that done, he let out a content exhale as he throw his tools on the tool bench.

"So... Speaker Sets?" The Younger said, in a timid tone, which was replied by a sigh and rolled eyes.

"Is... that a yes?" The Younger questioned before seeing her brother walking away to the couch they'd set up, "Hey! Raymond!"

As the elder sat on the couch laying his head back and let out a relaxed sigh, he slowly slid down and kicked his feet up on the coffee table.

The Younger was peeved about her brother's rather quiet attitude, and suddenly intruiged by two envelopes sitting on the coffee table, "Hey Ray... Are we expecting mails from someone?"

The Elder raised his head and hummed curiously, getting up from his relaxed position to grab the envelope.

The Elder looked at the envelope to see that it has their names.

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