Chapter 4

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You walk into the trail and had to battle the rattatas and also a totem pokemon you were done battling two and had to battle the last one before the totem pokemon you go on the plank and you see the grunts and you growl in frustration. "Leave me alone" You say. "Aw come on" the first grunt says. "No" you say. The second one smirks and grabs your wrists. The first one kisses you and you scream when he pulls away and kick him. You then run while they were chasing you but then you notice that they weren't chasing you and you see a shiny raticate attacking them. It looks at you and you smile. "Thank you" you say. It nods then looks down. "I'll catch you after the trail okay? Just wait right here" you say. It looked happy and it nuzzles you. You giggle then defeat the last pokemon and go to fight the totem pokemon. You walk to the heart of the cave and see a pedestal with a crystal. "Where is the totem pokemon?" you ask yourself. You then get a bad feeling but then shrug it off. You take the crystal and something jumps at you. You send out your pokemon and battle it, after the battle Ilima comes in (Oh sorry in the second chapter I didn't put that you got the z-ring but you do so sorry about that). "You were great (Y/N)" he says. "T-thanks" you say. "You can now catch any pokemon in this trail" He says as he gives you some great balls. You decided to go catch the shiny Raticate. You see it and it was getting hurt by some regular raticate's so you run up to it and pick it up and hold it close. The racicates growl and attack you and it scratches your arm leaving a bloody scratch. You wince and drop the shiny raticate. "G-get in the ball h-hurry!" you scream. You get a pokeball out and throw it at the shiny raticate and it goes in and shakes three times then it clicks. You pick the ball up and put it in your bag with your starter pokemon and run out while holding your arm where it was scratched. You see Sun, Moon, and Hau talking to Ilima. "G-great..." you say to yourself. Ilima looks at you and then notices you holding your arm which had a lot of blood. "Let's get you wrapped up and you can tell me what happened." he says. "O-okay..." You say and walk past Sun, Moon, and Hau. You could tell that Sun and Moon were looking at you but you don't look back. "Now tell me what happened" Ilima says. You tell him what happened and you notice him smiling slightly. "I'm so sorry all that happened" He says and wraps up your arm. "It's fine I've been through worse...." you say sadly. "Ah your mother" Ilima says. You just nod and then smile slightly. "I should go..." you say then leave. You then were going back to Iki town to battle Hala. "Hey (Y/N)!!!" You hear Sun yelling. "Y-yeah?" you ask. "You thought about it yet?" he asks. "A-actually no.... I haven't" you say. He pouts and looks down. "But are you sure they're actually dating?" you ask. "Of course they are" he says. You sigh then smile. "Well I guess but no kissing me we can hold hands I don't care about that." you say. He smiles and holds your hand then you guys head back to Iki town.

What will Moon say? What will Moon do? Will you release the shiny Raticate? Find out next time.

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