Chapter 7

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You, Moon, Sun, and Hau walk to the battle royal and you saw Gladion. Then a person walks down the stairs and you knew it was Professor Kukui but didn't want to break Hau's heart so you kept quiet. He pointed to Moon, Hau, and Gladion. "You three will you join me in a battle?" he asks. "O-of course!" Moon says. "Yes! Let's go!" Hau says and runs in. You go in the crowd with Sun behind you. "Who do you think will win?!" Sun asks. "I'm hoping Moon" you say. "I think Gladion will" Sun says with a smile. You smirk and laugh a bit. "You like him don't you Sun?" You ask. He blushes and looks down. "M-maybe" he says. You knew he did but you didn't say anything and turn back to the battle and your eyes widen. Moon's pokemon was badly hurt. "Moon come on you got this! I know you can do it!" you scream. She smiles and her pokemon makes Hau's faint, then the bell rings. Everyone came off of the stage and Gladion left. "You guys were great!" you say and hug Moon and Hau. They hug you back and you all walk out. "Now next is Kiawe's trial" you say. "We should heal up our pokemon" Moon says. You nod and go to a pokemon center then go to the next trail.

*A very long time skip brought to you by Oliva*

You were now going to fight the Kahuna which was Oliva. You were about to go to the ruins when someone stops you she had pink and yellow hair. "The grunts told me about you" she says. "E-eh?" you say. "Don't mess with them again or you'll definitely pay." she says and leaves. "That was weird..." you say. You then walk to the ruins and then battle Oliva.

*another time skip brought to you by Sun now*

You were on the third island, you went to Aether Paradise and met a woman who had hair and eyes like Gladion and Lillie, you knew something was suspicious but you shrugged it off. You felt shaking and then an ultra beast came out of a ultra wormhole. You had to battle it and you won. After you came to the third island and then went to the garden then helped Lillie and then went to do Sophocles trail. You won that and had to give Kukui's mask back. You go to the garden and try to find him but you couldn't you were grabbed by your wrist and then you see a guy with white hair and that was the only thing you saw before you were knocked out.

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