The strange thing called fate

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You are wondering what happened with Elsa? Where is she?

Well I'm gonna tell you one secret.

We are gonna start with what would happen if Emma and Hook didn't go back in time. Just a short look on that situation.

Rumplestiltskin didn't kill Zelena, Regina and Emma were in jail when Rump tried to do it, and they stopped him, and Zelena, she disappeared from the jail and nobody knew where she was.

That would be a potential danger in the future. But with her gone, everybody was happy.

Rumbelle did get married, Charmings were happy, and Robin and Regina were happy too.

Well, if you think I forgot about Zelena, you are wrong.

Actually her story has just began. She transported herself with the little magic she had. And started working on the operation bringing back her pendant, so she can continue her mission "back in time"

only now, she had a better idea. Originally, she wanted Regina out of the picture, but now, she wanted everybody to suffer, and killing them will not solve her problem. So she remembered her old friend, cold and powerful, they called her "Elsa, the frozen queen"

Yes, she was in terrible relationship with Elsa, but they did have one thing in common. Revenge.

Only one thing to do at this point. She needed to go back in time, to get her. She knew that she's not able to locate her in present, so she must go back in time, exact time where she's gonna find Elsa.

She's smart and she knew if she waits a bit, Storybrooke will forget about the drama and start living normally, and everyone will forget about Zelena, including Regina.

After few months, Zelena went to Regina's vault, she knew that there is her secret place where she keeps everything.

And yes, she did took the pendant, she opened the portal and brought Elsa.

So yeah, fate was written for them, either way, Emma didn't do anything, it was gonna happen anyway.

Is Elsa bad or good? How will she affect on people? And what will happen to Robin and Regina?

Fate is a strange thing. And the future, sometimes can be changed, and sometimes it's just written, and anything you do won't change the natural course of life.

But there's one thing that can always change and beat everything, and that my dearies, is LOVE.

I decided to write another part :)

Let me know what do you think and please, if you don't like something, be free to tell me. I'm willing to change things

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