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Geo pov:

We made it to Cristal's house and she was eating an apple.

"Mikey," she said jumping up.

"Cristal," he said. He sounded like he haven't seen her in years.

He cupped her face and he looked at me. He- he was protecting my feelings. He was going to kiss her, but then he pulled away.

She looked up at him, "Um are you-?"

"Yes," he said.

She looked at me, "Geo. My suit?"

I nodded and pulled the bag from my back.

"Well let's go!" She cheered.

"I have the snacks. They are-"

"I got it," Mikey said.

Cristal walked to me and grabbed the suit. She ran upstairs and came back in a completely different outfit. I ran upstairs and change and Mikey did too in the other bathroom. We came back down and headed to the beach.


"Stop it, Mikey. The water's cold!" Cristal shouted, laughing as Mikey picked her up threatening her into the water.

I didn't feel jealous, I felt like I should help, so I did.

"Mikey don't do that!" I shout and he looked at me.

"Don't do that without me helping you!" I smiled and we both pushed her into the water.

"Uggh I hate you guys," she said as she got up from the water.


"Oh no. I don't have any money on me."

"I got it," Mikey said looking at me to make sure I wasn't getting upset. I nodded telling him it was okay. "Want anything?"

"Cookies and cream."

"Ew. Cookie dough," Mikey and Cristal said and we all laughed.

I rolled my eyes and watched as Mikey went to go get our ice cream. After words we ate and finished at the beach. It's was actually really fun and I'm glad everyone's getting along and I'm especially happy that Cristal's happy.

2 weeks later

Cristal pov:

It's been two weeks since our beach day and everything has been going great. The boys are actually starting to hang out without me being around. But today is not one of those days. Today is an interesting day for me, which means it's a interesting day for all of us. I woke up and went downstairs. The boys were down there cooking and I stretched waving at them.

"Good Morning guys," I said.

"Hey Cristal," they both said.

"Can you guys sit, over here," I said gesturing to the couch.

"Oh no," they both said then joined me on the couch.

"So.." I said.

"Yeah?" Geo said.

"It comes a time in everyone's life when they need satisfaction. And somethings..." I wiggled my fingers. "..can't satisfy them."

"Oh," Geo said. He understood what I was saying.

"Wait, what?" Mikey said. I feel like he got it he just wanted me to say it out loud.

"Mikey," I said trying to make him think about it but it just wasn't going through. "Mikey, I'm horny."

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