Chapter Five

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   I wake up that morning feeling woozy and tired. I guess I didn't sleep that night and that's explain the mark of ink on my forehead. I went downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast and I was surprise to see​ a note from my mom telling me that she's going to be working late so she save me some 50 dollars to buy some dinner. I lock my house and went outside to meet with Hunter and Asher who is waiting for me. We entered the bus when suddenly Asher ask me a question.

       "I heard our little boy went to the beach yesterday " he said with a sarcastic tone.

        "Shut up dude, I never mention about you and Amber when you guys go out." I state to him.

        "Don't listen to him, so how was your date" Hunter ask me.

         "It's not a date and it went well just so you know" I state to them with a face.

  We arrive at school and can't help of feeling that something is gonna change when I step in. As I hope it did change, I walk at the hallway as the kids at school greet me. I went to my chemistry class with Hunter. We both sat at the far corner table near the window and the equipment cabinet. Our teacher came in and we greet him. "Ok class, today we have a special guess will be joining our class today" he announced to the class. Everyone started to wonder who either way even I'm wondering who. "Mr. Scott Wilson, everybody " he announced with a smile. The weird thing is I've been in his class for four years! Have I been going to another Mr. William's class.

      At recess, I saw my usual spot is occupied by a bunch of nerds but then I saw Asher and the gang sitting beside Sue and her friends. I went there with Hunter and place my food in front of Sue's. I watch the whole food court and I notice eyes all over me. I look at Hunter who is feeling uncomfortable sitting in front of Briar. I ask him to switch sits and maybe that will help with loosen up some tense between them. He disagree and continue eating his food at that spot and I did the same.

    "So... Are you guys started dating or something? " Briar ask us breaking the silence between us.

     "Yeah we are! " I reply to her nervous.

     "So... Are you and Hunter are a thing or something? " Asher ask them with a devilish smile.

      "No! " they both reply in the same time. To be honest it's really cute when they do that.

        "So Amber, are you still with Asher or you already cheated on him" I ask Amber who's sitting next to Asher.

   Amber in the other hand is not my biggest fan. She and I hate each other because of a dark history together. When I first know about Asher and her I was really piss and I did  whatever it takes to break them up. But Asher's loyal and I don't know what he see in her but he refuse to let her go. That's what make, Asher a great guy and a good friend. Yes he may be annoying sometimes but I still love him as my friend and I don't want him to get hurt.

     "Excuse me? I would never cheated on my boyfriend and just so you know we're still together " she state as she gives Asher a kiss on the cheek.

      "Eww guys don't be gross here, there's kids watching." Hunter state making a joke.

   We all laugh as we finish our food. After the bell rings we went to our classes and continue our studies like usual. That evening, I a company Hunter for his track practice since his coach thought it be better for him to get used of running. I sit on the bench and started to think of the incident at recess how Hunter reacted around Briar. I started to be curious about his change of attitude around Briar so I collected all of my guts and ask him.

      "Hey dude.. What do you think of Briar? " I ask him. He was surprise by the question and his face reaction made it quite obvious.

       "I think she's okay" he said to me and continued drinking his water.

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