Crows Feet

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Sweat began to bead in her palms and the quickening of her pulse begun as the first few notes of the percussion instruments rang out, marching through the New Year.

The Asian individuals were offering the people dressed up in colourful lion costumes red envelopes. To which they "ate up" the pockets.
It's the New Year, all the older Chinese people handed out these red envelopes to all children in sight.

An elderly woman with deep laugh lines, a saggy face, and crow's feet, spotted Rachel, examining her... looking for a red pocket. She re-crinkled her worn out lines by smiling, as the woman in question approached, she pulled out a slightly brighter red pocket from her tote bag which hung on the side of her hip.

As if instinct, Rachel hesitantly gripped the beaming pocket. She starts to inspect the rosy sachet just like the way the old woman did, having no clue as to what was inside, she didn't want to be rude, so she kindly rejected the offering. Transfixed and insulted; was all Rachel saw when she investigated the old woman. The elderly lady's eyes glistened even more as shock washed over, she gasped slightly as her face relaxed.

This was the total opposite as to what Rachel wanted to happen.

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