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Trigger warning

   Almost every night, he went to their cottage. He didn't sign to them of his problems at home. He didn't need anymore of their pity. They loved him as it was.
   Every Sunday, when the Dursleys would go to Church, (A/n:Roll with it XD) he would sneak out to the school. The staff welcomed him with open arms, all developing a friendship with the mute, mysterious boy. 
   He came most Wednesdays. It was harder to get away but he had developed a love for muggle learning that he would suffer anything for. Besides, his relatives were blind to it. Somehow, they didn't notice the papers of lesson briefs and homework under his bed. Otherwise, he acted perfectly normal and obedient.


   He evaded punishment and happily continued his studies. His friends from Hogwarts didn't  write often but he didn't mind. Hedwig was good company, even if she didn't  understand any sign language. He was content with life.

That's wrong. You don't deservve happiness. You're a mess that would be a whole lot easier if you died.

   And as the voice reasoned out, he understood that all good things must come to an end.

   Of course the last week of the holidays was the week to go wrong.
   He had to miss his Tuesday night lesson due to an elf demanding he not return to Hogwarts. The strangest thing was the owner of the elf knew of him going and supported it but another didn't know and would not support it. The elf was conflicted, saying that he shouldn't go but was instructed not to reveal the family's name. The noise the elf, Dobby, created had attracted some very unwanted attention. Thank Merlin his uncle was in a good mood. He received the treatment he had from before he was seven.

   With new bruises an scars from those lashings, he made breakfast. It was only quarter to eight and the teacher's meeting was at eleven so he hoped he wouldn't be too caught up on chores. At the table, he eavesdropped on their conversation as he waited at the side to take their plates. "We'll be spending the day at your Aunt Marge's today." announced Uncle Vernon. He then directly glared at Harry. "You, boy, will stay at Mrs. Figgs'." He nodded, knowing he could easily slip out of the old woman's house to go to school. "But Vernon, I need the garden done today!" Aunt Petunia whined. Vernon glowered at the boy. "Have this done today." Inwardly, Harry groaned.

Ungrateful brat.

   He would never get to school today. 

   Potions didn't count as magic outside of school, did it?
   At Tim's side, he entered the school gates. It wasn't exactly a big school, maybe able to hold a thousand students, but he could easily get lost. He didn't come here everyday like some students. Charlotte waved goodbye, joining her friends in the Maths department.
    Walking down the halls, Tim asked, "What class would you like to take today, kiddo?"
   Harry thought for a moment before signing "Advanced chemistry." He might as well prepare himself for potions. He heard the two were similar from the muggle-born students.
   "Ooh, new one today." Tim chirped. "Good to get you out of RE and the food room. Next time the other teachers ask you to cook that delicious apple and pear crumble, just refuse!" Harry smiled and laughed along with Tim.
   The teachers here loved his cooking. They soon made it to Chemistry class which was taught by a fiery, tiny Irish teacher. She was fun loving and always in for a joke, a great difference from Snape.
   "No no no!" Ms Heidi cried. "Not like that!" Harry froze in the middle of pouring some liquid into a test tube. Tim was watching from the sideline, as always, keeping track of his progress and there for translation. "You have to be be precise! Careful!" Harry furrowed his brows, confused. He looked to Tim in panic.
   Tim only absently nodded in understanding. He approached Harry. "I see the problem." He looked Harry in the eye. 

You? You're a pretty big problem.

   "Look at chemistry as if it's cooking. Everything needs to be perfect." A light of understanding broke over Harry.

   He got the analogy.
   Harry skipped happily with the two teachers either side of him. The lock on his cupboard was easy to pick but he never saw a reason why to before as magic couldn't be used outside of school. He just hoped he would have the right ingredients for the grass trimming potion he'd learnt with Snape. It made him glad he hadn't burned his potions book. "What's got you all happy kiddo?" Tim laughed and Harry quickly signed "Nothing." 

You shouldn't be happy you sad excuse for a human being.

   The three then stopped in front of Harry's house. Tim and Charlotte often walked him home from school as it was on the way to his cottage.
   In front of the door, he was about to sign a goodbye when a loud clattering noise came from from inside. Alarmed they all rushed in. The pots and pans drawer was open and scattered. "What happened?" Charlotte asked to herself as she began to clean up the mess. The boys followed suit but from under the table cloth he saw a familiar looking elf. He hastened and politely began to chase the teachers out. "What's the rush, kid?" Tim asked, cocking his head to the side like a confused puppy.

Rude menace.

   "I need to do the garden!" Harry signed, panicking. Looking at the time, he had about four hours before the Dursleys would return. He should be able to do the garden if the potion magically appeared in his hands.
   "On your own? That place is a jungle!" Charlotte exclaimed looking at the hideous excuse for a garden.

Like your face. Ugly little thing.

   "I like gardening." He signed in reply.
   Charlotte shook her head. "We'll help you."

With three people working the garden, not to mention two of them were adults, the garden was done by half three. Harry still had an hour and a half left before the Dursley's arrived, plenty of time to prepare tea.
   The three admired their work. "We did well." Tim praised, beaming like there was no tomorrow. Honestly, did this man ever stop smiling? Not that Harry was complaining, he liked that Tim was always happy. As soon as he thought that, the grin dropped, soaked in water.
   Whoever let Charlotte find the water hose has invented a new Unforgivable. They ran, jumped, laughed and dodged water.
   For a couple of minutes, Harry was truly happy. He had two amazing friends which he could act more or less normal with. And that was okay with him.
   As Charlotte chased them around, he wondered if they would have the apple and blackberry pie, he was teaching her to make, later.


1099 words

3 days 8 hours 4 minutes

Ooh boy. We have some cutesy moments here. But beware, it will get angsty. In a couple of chapters time. This chapter is important though. God. I've written the 11 chapter by hand already and I cry when I update this. This book has way too much fluff for angst to be the aim.

-Cake eaten.

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