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Trigger warning?

   Harry was progressing well in wordless magic. He kept at a good average for a normal student his age. He really had gotten the knack for it after some research which books he had found in Knockturn Alley. And of course he had found potions a whole lot easier. With the Chemistry tips, he was sure he could surpass even some Slytherin students if he wasn't always paired with Ron Weasley. 

Arrogant prick.

   No disrespect to the guy, he still couldn't make potions for his life. And he was too stubborn to take notice of Harry's frantic signing. 'Gryffindors' He thought in amusement. 


   Ron's dismissal for his 'hand nonsense' went too far. Signing up for the Duelling club? Sure! It doesn't matter that Harry can't speak or has his hands full with the Chamber of Secrets. Duelling with Malfoy was something else, though. As endangered as he felt, there was something thrilling to have him fighting against him. Draco had no care in the world for him. He didn't let the fact Harry was mute restrain him. Draco fought back with fury. And Harry loved every bit of it. 


   That was, until the snake. Harry didn't know what to do. He wanted to help. He didn't want that Hufflepuff boy hurt. So he did the thing that came to him instinctively. He opened his mouth.
   He really didn't know what the fuss was about the strange language. He thought the fact that he could speak would be the emphasised topic. Nevertheless, he was glad no one took notice of that. Hogwarts was the home he didn't have to speak in. The cottage was great. He was comfortable enough to speak with his mentors. If only once. In Hogwarts, people didn't force him to speak. No one knew he could. Nobody really had expectations. In a way, it was good. Even if it meant be was the main suspect of the petrifying.

    He only really started to lose his mind when Hermione was petrified. Not only had he lost a good friend and a voice of reason, he had lost his voice. The only means of command had been through Hermione, now it was only writing, which was a pain as Hogwarts didn't have those magical items called Whiteboards. 
    The few students who did understand him, unfortunately didn't like him all that much. Either they were much older or prats. The only two in his year were Theodore Nott and Draco Malfoy. Therefore, he was moved into some of the Slytherin classes.

   He would be lying if he said he hated it. The Slytherins were actually smart and sane compared to his Gryffindor company. And it would be a total lie if someone said that he didn't fit in. Some welcomed him and didn't mind talking to him. They of course were reluctant at first, but when he got a translator, he could see they were impressed with his true personality. An unstable balance of Slytherin and Gryffindor was exciting to say the least.
    Here, he could show he was reserved enough to not be recklessly suicidal, even if he was, yet be bold enough to piss his enemies off. He could get what he wanted, when he wanted with his downright nerve. Although it was delayed as Malfoy was often hesitant in translating the hell that comes out of his mouth. Well, on his hands.
   Despite their rivalry, he always went to Malfoy for a voice. Nott purposely gave wrong translations, saying that he was reckless with his words. Malfoy was almost happy to oblige, getting Harry into trouble. He didn't give two flying gnomes about Harry. Harry didn't know if he loved or it intrigued him. 

Attention seeker.

   Speaking to an acromantula, without Hermione as a voice was downright awful. She had always been the voice during these situations. She was the one who explained to Dumbledore he hadn't got on the crazy car ride with Ron. (He had found a kind wizard in Diagon Alley to apparate him nearby.) She was the one who had been the voice in his encounter with Voldemort last year. The only time she hadn't needed to be by his side were the fights he had with Malfoy.
    Without her, he was doomed. Especially since Ron was doing all the talking.

Rude child.

   Ron didn't even realise he was the reason they were almost killed. He loved the guy, but he was downright crazy. Despite that was what his friends must think of him. He just attracted trouble like the way he attracted girls on a good hair day. Don't think he didn't notice it. 

Air head.

   In his free time, he usually played dumb with the Gryffindors and had 'fun' in the common room. After the comparison to the Slytherins, he realised how much he needed to get away.
    He decided to work on his Potions essay in the library. He was thoroughly enjoying it so he decided to procrastinate, taking sweet time away from doing his muggle Skills homework. He still had Charlotte post homework to him through owl. There was no way he was going to miss out muggle education. 
    "Still on your Potions essay, Potter?" Drawled the familiar voice from behind. "I finished mine days ago!" The blonde boasted. He sat down opposite Harry. Over the last couple of lessons, the two boys had reached some sort of equilibrium where they were familiar with each other, but still hated each other. Well, that was what they told themselves.
    Harry couldn't help the playful eye roll, signing, "I'm just enjoying it." The boys soon found themselves in civil chatter, well sign language in Harry's part. 
    Harry felt eyes on them. Discreetly scanning the area, he saw a kid spying on them. He came up with an idea. "Hey, Malfoy," His lip was curled up in a childish smirk. "I have an idea." 
    If he was paying attention, he would have seen Draco's cheeks turn a slight pink at the adorable smirk. "What is it?"
   "A kid is spying on us." Harry's smirk grew into a sparkling grin. "How about we give him a show?"
    "Like what?" The blonde breathed, pupils dilated. What was Potter suggesting?
    "Just like that! He wouldn't know what I'm saying, you just need to respond like something's going on."
   Harry leaned closer, excited for a prank to go correctly. Ron was always too slow to realise how he should be responding and Hermione found it cruel. The smirk in Malfoy's eyes showed he understood.
    "Well, Harry, I must say I'm flattered but no." Malfoy drawled, his acting skilled on point. He leaned in too, their faces inches apart. "Besides, we're in the library." The kid scuttled away, red in the face. The boys burst into laughter like a supernova. Light filled both worlds, hearing the musical embodiment of joy from the others' mouth. They rocked back on their chairs in endless guffaws. Both convinced it was because the fact of them ever being together was absurd!
    As the sound of the universe died, they fell into the endless pit of darkness. Why was this feeling of despair and rejection present?
    They soon left.


1197 words

1 day 3 hours 23 minutes

Okay, remind me why I finished this at twenty past one in the morning? Oh yeah, because someone thought it would be a good idea to see Avengers; Infinity war at ten. Ugh, bring me death.

-Cake eaten

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