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    The meetings and little scenes in the library became routine for the two. Harry could not say he enjoyed the loud brashness of his dorm mates and the fact Malfoy was able to sign made a good excuse for them. Otherwise, he'd have no idea what he was doing.
    He was working on the mystery of the petrifying late at night. Ron was waiting for him back at the dorm. He didn't want to risk getting caught at night, now that night patrols had increased after Hermione's petrifying and what had happened at the start of the year. He was researching beasts when Malfoy entered the dark library. Having seen Harry's light, he wandered into Harry's workspace. "Hello, Potter. What are you researching?" He greeted as cheerily as possible in hushed tones. 
   "The Chamber of Secrets." He replied, not looking up from his book. The two immediately looked uncomfortable. The Chamber of Secrets was a topic they both wanted to avoid. It just begged for a fight to blossom between the two.


    Luckily, the Slytherin seemed in a good mood and he brushed off Harry's vexed mood. "Yes, I am very well, thank you for asking." Malfoy dropped on his unofficial chair on their unofficial table. Harry smiled up at him. Trust Malfoy to cheer him up. How ironic this was the Ice Prince of Slytherin he was talking about. 


    "Hi DM." He rolled his eyes playfully. The animosity between the two had all but been forgotten for the moment. "How are you?" He dragged out, in a joking slaved manner. 
    "Okay, what useless information have you gathered so far?" The blonde laughed, semi-serious. Looking over his work, most of it was useless but it stung hearing out loud anyway.

Useless boy

"Let's see what you've been checking." He looked at the covers of the books. "Hm. Okay. Well, two can read faster than one."

Just before an hour after Malfoy joined him, Harry stumbled upon something. He beckoned Malfoy over and they read the paragraph together.

Of many fearsome beasts and monsters that roam our land, there is none more curious or deadly than the Basilisk, known as the King of Serpents. This snake, which may reach gigantic size, may live many hundreds of years, is born from a chicken's egg, hatched beneath a toad. Its method of killing are most wondrous, for aside from its deadly and venomous fangs, the Basilisk has a murderous stare, and all who are fixed with the beam of its eye shall suffer instant death.

"That's what's in the Chamber!" Harry signed, excited. "I hear it's talking as I understand Parselmouth!" Malfoy looked at him with wide eyes. "You WHAT!?" Malfoy yelled. Harry flinched and the grey-eyed boy softened and awkwardly soothed him, muttering reassurances. 

"Hello? Who's in there?" A voice yelled. It was a prefect. 

Harry grabbed Malfoy's wrist and invisibility cloak hidden under his chair and ran to an alcove. The light may still have been lit, but they were several aisles away. He shoved the both of them in there and used it as a curtain to shield from the prefect. 

Harry was glad the alcove was dark as he was sure his face was Gryffindor red. He had never thought about his sexuality, he never had time for that. But he was sure he didn't mind the gender if he liked the person. And his feelings about Draco were mixed and confused. 

Nevertheless, the closeness of their bodies, the heat shared between the two beings, the secrecy of their position, was intimate. He didn't know what it was happening. The only times he had been this close to someone was his uncle. But this was nothing like that. This was hesitant. Experimental. Not forced, despite the circumstances. 

The voice was silent. Deafened to it by his heartbeat.

They held their breaths as the prefect investigated their workplace. "You still have to be in here!" They yelled out. Malfoy was about to exclaim something to Harry, but he clamped a hand over his mouth. He signalled for him to be quiet. 

Having found nothing, the prefect left. 

The two finally breathed and collapsed out of the alcove. "Okay, what kind of idea was that?" Malfoy whisper yelled, cautious if the prefect was still around. "It helped, didn't it?" Harry raised a brow. A fight was bound to happen. 

Why are you such a disappointment, Harry Potter? You are so idiotic for the saviour of our Wizarding world.

It was lucky that Malfoy had a mind to Silencio their section. He got pretty loud. Harry didn't shout. Shouting scared him. He knew Malfoy was aware he didn't like shouting. He thought that was the reason Malfoy let him slap him. Once. Twice. Seven times before he hit back. Hard. Harry fell backwards with the force. He clutched his bruised cheek. He had only slapped him lightly. He wouldn't hurt him even if he was really hurting.

You are a fucked up monster, Harry Potter.

He stood up.

"Meet me in the girls' bathroom on the second floor. Morning. I need your help."

Both boys left to their respective dorms.

Fighting a giant basilisk and a sort of ghost was fun. Well, it would've been fun if Malfoy was at his side the whole time. He was there for moral support. Harry pardoned him. And he didn't regularly fight against Voldemort and have no regard for his life. He guessed that was why Ron joined him because Gryffindors are so reckless. 


He hated Voldemort. He hated him. As useful as it was, he always spoke to him as if he was to respond. It threw him off. Harry thought Voldemort knew what he was doing. Rattling off his plans about the petrifying and his birth name was not good for Voldemort's side. Maybe he did know what he was doing. Striking fear in Harry. Raising his expectations so his fear of talking gets almost crippling. He hated to be forced to talk. It usually meant some form of punishment, like that time at the zoo. His uncle had to have an explanation. It was awful. Somehow, Voldemort

(Can't be bothered to write the fight and all. You know what happens.)

Once young Voldemort ceased to exist, a great pressure was relieved from the room. Ron and Malfoy had been watching from the sidelines. Ron rushed forward to get his sister. He and Lockhart went first up the pipes. 

Malfoy came forward. They stared at the dead Basilisk. "You are one crazy boy, Harry Potter." Malfoy sneered. Harry's eyes widened. The blonde boy usually did sneer at him, but not like this. "You make me like you, then you put me in danger like this. Are you trying to hurt me?!" Malfoy yelled, causing Harry to back away. He flinched violently but Malfoy paid him no mind. In fact, it made him madder. "And you act like it's my fault?! Never talk to me again, Potter!" The Slytherin stormed out of the room and Harry was left alone, thinking, What the hell just happened?


1189 words

1 week 6 days 7 hours 25 minutes

Moly! That took ages! This is how held back I get if I decide not to bring my laptop to Italy. Gosh. Anyway, sorry for the chapter, you deserved at least some Drarry. And ohh, is next chapter going to be awful. Gosh. See you (figuratively) next chapter!

-Cake eaten

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