10|| "We can't get up!"*

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"What's happening?" Alex asked to Matthew, who only shrugged.

"For once, I don't know"


The four had a quite a lucky day, for the clothes can be taken off, and they seperated to change into their Hogwarts uniform.

Later, the four went to the Great Hall, and they all gasped.

Everything was still the same, except there was a fifth table, right in front of the Head Table.

It had four chairs, yet with different heights. The green and red chairs was bigger than the blue and yellow chairs.

Suddenly, the four were dragged to the four chairs, everyone gasped on the way.

Elizabeth tried to stand up, but she couldn't. So is the rest of them. Headmaster Dumbledore then went to the front.

"Attention, students! You must be wondering where the fifth table came from. I, myself, don't know. But, I assure you that we will find out.

Now, Ms. Green, Ms. Coral, Mr. Greyson, and Mr. Taylor, follow me" he said walking away.

"But, sir! We can't get up!" Summer complained. Elizabeth glared at her, sitting down quietly not long before Headmaster Dumbledore came.

Said headmaster sighed and tried everything to make the chairs let them go, but failed.

Elizabeth relaxed, stood up, and walked to the Slytherin Table, shocking everyone.

Matthew glared at her, but followed anyway, heading to the Ravenclaw Table.

Alex and Summer were the only ones left at the table, for Alex was nervous, and Summer is complaining too much to even notice.

Elizabeth sighed, then went to the front.

"Before this matter even started, Headmaster Dumbledore was going to say that there will be a Yule Ball, am I right, sir?" She asked, and was answered with a nod.

"Formal wear and partners is required, and Fourth Years and above are the only ones who can go there. If you aren't, don't even try to get in" she said sternly, and left the Great Hall, leaving everyone in shock.


Elizabeth is in her room, wearing the green dress. Surprisingly, it was laid on her bed when she came back with a crown of emeralds, and decided to wear it.

She also noted the others that they wear theirs, and that they'll be each other's partners, so they won't be searching for partners too much.

She also noted that there's a secret passage behind the mirrors in the room (She accidentally found it) and that they meet in the room lead by the four passages.

She was already in there, when she heard someone coming. It was Matthew.

She had to admit, he was good looking. His hair was still naturally messy, but it still looked so good on him.

"Greyson" she said, emotionless.

"Green" she smirked.

"Where's Coral and Taylor?"

"Still there"

She nodded, and just on cue, Summer and Alex came.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" She shouted, and came running out, everyone else walking behind her.


As the four came, everyone gasped. Their clothes were so beautiful, they couldn't know where they got it.

Then, Draco Malfoy came to Elizabeth.

"Hello, Green" He said calmly, but she could see a hint of fear in his voice.

"Malfoy" she nodded in return, then walked away, everyone amazed at her gown.

The others followed her, strangely, as if she was their leader. Everyone looked at them, respect in their eyes.

They sat down at the table, and the others started talking, Elizabeth naturally quiet.

Time seemed to run fast, for it was already midnight, as everyone left.

Elizabeth was the only one left behind, she smirked. She faced a wall, and a green door appeared, and she went in.

But, little did she know, Summer was watching her, a confused look on her face.

She was confused, for it seemed Elizabeth knew magic more than all of them.


Okay! I won't repeat what I said in the last chapter because I'm lazy and on a vacation.

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