11|| "Watch it"

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But, little did she know, Summer was watching her, a confused look on her face.

She was confused, for it seemed Elizabeth knew magic more than all of them.


Summer laid in her bed, still confused and worried.

Everyone was now noticing how the four of them had seperate rooms, and rumours started to form.

Some even said that they were the Four Founder's Heirs. Summer scoffed at the thought. As if that would happen she thought.

Oh, but she never knew how right they were. Until, that is, it's too late.


Elizabeth stared at the necklace in front of her. Surprisingly, it matches the emerald crown she wore at the Yule Ball.

She also decided to wear it. It is, after all, laid in her room. So technically, it is her necklace.

As she wore it, the emerald pendant suddenly glowed.

In a loud snap, she was gone.


She opened her eyes, and she was in a dark place, a place only filled with....mirrors?

Why the hell would there be mirrors in here? Elizabeth asked herself.

Suddenly, there was a figure in front of her. She couldn't see who it was, but she was sure it was a man.

The man stepped forward, and Elizabeth looked at him, confused. He had the darkest black hair, darker than Matthew's. His eyes, strangely, were exactly the color of the Killing Curse.

Elizabeth stepped backward, recognizing the person on the book she first read at Hogwarts.

"Salazar Slytherin" she said softly, that only he could hear her.

"So this is my heir. A pleasure to meet you, Elizabeth Green"


Summer walked down the hallways, confused at her dream.

Godric Gryffindor just showed up and told her that she was his heir! Well, maybe the rumours were right, after all she thought.

The dream showed up when she found a thin sword in her bed. It had rubies embedded on it, and Summer thought it was beautiful.

She suddenly snapped out of her thoughts when she bumped into someone.

"Oh! I'm so—"

"Watch it"

Recognizing the voice, Summer looked up. It was Elizabeth, glaring at her as if she was her worst enemy.

"Why must you do this to me, Elizabeth?" Summer asked her.

"You know very well why! You're the Heir of Gryffindor! I'm the Heir of Slytherin! I don't know why, but I hate you for it" she said and left.

Tears started to form on Summer's eyes. She backed into the wall, and cried.


Elizabeth ran into the Black Lake, and she screamed.

The water became bursting out of the Lake, as she screamed. It came to her as rain, yet Elizabeth didn't care.

The rain then became snow, softly falling towards her, as she kneeled down, crying softly.

She lost her best friend, all because of a stupid school. She lost herself, as if she was insane.


Okay, you know what? I just keep repeating things. I'll stop now.

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