Chapter One

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 I am running through the forest. Twigs grab at me and I stumble on roots. The cold air bites at my cheeks and my nose as I run. Ignoring the cold, I just run faster. I look back to see if they are following me. I don't see anything. My beaten and bruised body screams in protest as I struggle through the dense forest. That is when I hear gun shots. Great I think, they know I'm gone. I look back and see flashlights coming through the trees. I just ran away from the organization that has kept me captive for the first six years of my life. I run faster as the shots get closer. I keep running though. I don't stop. I can't stop. I can never return to that place that made me what I am. I was a normal person, but they made me a freak. They gave me a serum called the 'super soldier serum' and they gave me wings too. Although I am never allowed to use them. They always punish me if I open them. I have no friends and no family that I know of. They just killed them all.

I keep running through the dark forest, my path illuminated by the full moon in the sky. I pour on speed. I am almost free! I ran looking behind me as the shouts and shots got closer. I run for a few more minutes, then I quickly climb up a tree. I sit silently as the agents pass under me without noticing I am here. After about an hour, they go back to the base in defeat. I wait up in the tree, not daring to move a muscle. After three hours, I move out of my perch. I start walking to the first city I see, New York. My name is Katniss, and I am never going back to HYDRA.  

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