Chapter 5

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At first, I have a confused look on my face, then a smile creeps up on my face as I nod my head vigorously. All three adults laugh at my expression. I was most likely the most happy person on the ship right now. I probably look like Clint and Nat did when they found out Agent Collusion was alive. I It took me a couple of minutes to calm down, but I was too happy. "Alright. You are going to go fill out the paperwork and then go meet the rest of the team. Have fun." With that, director Fury left the room. I look over at Clint, excitement laces my features. "Come on, we don't want to be late." He grabs my arm and starts dragging me to the Quinjet. I laugh and try to keep up so he doesn't rip my arm out of its socket as Nat follows laughing.

When we get to the Quinjet, Nat sits up front to get ready for takeoff. Clint goes up to the front to sit co-pilot. I sit on one of the benches and start to let my mind wander. I start to think of what it is going to be like living at Avengers tower. After a few minutes we are in the air. I suddenly get an idea. I start to take off my jacket. I slip off the arms and tie it around my waist. I stretch out my wings. I haven't flown in a long time. "Hey Nat?" "Something wrong Katniss?" She asks. "Nah. I was just wondering if I could meet you there?" She looks at Clint who nods his head. "I don't see why not. We can send the coordinates to your watch. Be careful." With that, she opens the hatch in the back. I quickly climb out and start to free fall. I spread my wings to catch the air. I stop falling. I flap my wings a few times to test them out, it feels good to be in the air again! I let out a whoop and race after the Quinjet. I get an idea. "Nat." I say through my com. In my ear. "You want to race?" "You're on!" She replies. We race all the way to New York City. By the time we get there, I am out of breath. I land in an alley near where Nat lands the Quinjet. I fold my wings against my back, grateful for the exercise, and slip my jacket back on. I walk out of the alley to meet with Clint and Nat before heading inside.

We walk inside the office and get the adoption papers. The process goes smoothly enough and soon, we are ready to head to Avengers Tower. We hop in a car, Clint at the wheel, Nat riding shotgun, and me in the back, and drive off. I watch all the buildings go by. I recognize a few from missions and time away from SHIELD. We drove in silence, until the radio started playing. By the time we reached the tower, we were all singing along to the radio. Clint parked the car in the huge garage and we walked toward the elevator.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2018 ⏰

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