Chapter IV: The Room

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Johanna blacked out and woke up in a hallway of the Shining esq. hotel. She was laying down and felt like she'd been knocked out for hours.

She looked around and stood up. She started to walk and came around a corner. There were voices all around her. "Praise him," whispers went around. "Praise him. Praise him. Praise him." It just repeated over and over again. All in through Johanna's ears.

The whispering slowly turned into screaming. Johanna covered her ears, but it wasn't blocking it out. Non stop screaming. "Praise him! Praise him!"

At the end of the hall, a door opened. Johanna saw it and scrambled down the hall to get to the door. She ran into the room and saw the Doctor standing there.

She sighed with relief and hugged him. "I'm so glad to see you," she told him.

The Doctor pulled away from their hug and smiled. "Yes," he replied. "I'm glad to see you too. I've been wanting to say something to you for awhile now."


The Doctor then came closer to her and kissed her. Johanna backed away and looked at him strangely. "Doctor... are you okay?" she wondered.

He came up to her again and ran his hands down her arms. "Yeah, yeah," he said. "I'm fine. And I just think that we can't be friends anymore. I can't deny my feelings for you, Johanna. I love you."

He tried to snog her again, but he blocked his lips. "Stop!" she yelled. "Please, just stop!"

He got closer again and took off his jacket. He started to unbutton his shirt when Johanna opened the door and ran out.

She ran down the hall as fast as she could. She accidentally bumped into someone and fell to the floor. The person helped her up. Johanna looked up to thank the person, but quickly backed away when she saw the Doctor.

Johanna screamed and started down the hallway again, but he grabbed her arm and brought her back. "Johanna, what is wrong?" he asked getting concerned.

She realized that this wasn't the same Doctor she just saw. In a quick moment, she embraced him and got glossy eyed then tears started flowing. "Doctor," Johanna sighed. "I... I think-"

"You went into your room didn't you?" he questioned interrupting her as he pulled away from their hug.

"It wasn't my room it was a room," she corrected.

The Doctor shook his head. "No, it was your room," he concluded. "Everyone has a room here, and I mean everyone. Every living thing from every corner of the universe has a room here. Even you. Now, what was in you room?"

Johanna looked at the Doctor. She knew exactly what was in her room. It was her worst fear: falling in love with the Doctor. The Doctor is her best friend and being his lover would scare her to death. If she told him, he'd never be able to look at her again the same way.

"Do you want to show me?" he asked trying to get her attention. Johanna didn't reply. "It'll really help to get home. If you face your fear then we trick the beast and we go home."

Johanna didn't say anything but she led the way to her room. They arrived in a cluster of doors. Johanna knew which one because it was calling her.

Room #1

Johanna closed her eyes to open the door but the Doctor stopped her. "You must be very important to be the first room," he noted.

Johanna didn't say anything. The Doctor opened the door before Johanna could. Inside there was the Doctor leaning up against the wall with his shirt unbuttoned. Johanna still had her eyes closed as the real Doctor walked in.

The fake Doctor came back over to Johanna and tried to smother her. "I love you, Joha-"

"Stop!!!" she screamed as she hid behind the real Doctor. "I'm so sorry you have to see this," she apologized to the real Doctor.

He didn't say anything. Instead he looked at the other Doctor and examined him. "Johanna, do you want to get back to the TARDIS?" the real Doctor questioned ignoring the fact that he was her greatest fear.

"Yes," she replied.

"Then you'll have to face your fear," he instructed.


"You'll stay in here and face him," he explained. "I'll be outside and-"

"No!" Johanna protested. "I can't... you know..."

"Johanna, it's not real," he told her. "It's just something that is projected to scare you so you can praise him. Don't give in to that, by the way. Now, you have to do this or else we're both not getting back."

Johanna sighed. "Can't you face your fear?" she questioned

"No," he respoded. "I haven't seen my room yet so I don't know what's in there, therefore I'm not afraid of it yet."

The real Doctor then went over to Johanna and kissed her forehead. "I'll be outside when you're done," he told her. "Be brave."

The Doctor then walked out leaving the fake Doctor and Johanna in the room alone. Johanna stared longingly at the door for a while. She then felt the fake Doctor walk up behind her and wrap his arms around her. "Glad he's gone," he stated while kissing the side of her face.

Johanna winced and braced herself for the horror to come.

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