Chapter VII: London 1888

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The TARDIS wheezed and they landed. The Doctor and Johanna went back to the closet and picked out outfits that were from the times. Johanna grabbed a dark teal-blue dress with a black corset. The Doctor just grabbed a long, black jacket and a top hat. They linked arms, as they always seemed to do when exiting, and began their expedition.

The two went around the city and down the cobblestone roads. "This is beautiful," she gawked. "I can tell why you wanted to bring me here."

"Actually, I just wanted to come so I could manifest in the Jack the Ripper murders," he confessed. "But I guess the way you put it is good too."

Johanna smiled at the Doctor and they continued on their way. They didn't have an exact destination, they just knew they were going to roam around.

It was becoming night fall, and the Doctor didn't have any intentions of leaving this time period. He wasn't kidding and he really did want to find out about Jack the Ripper. The two found a little pub to stay at for a bit to discuss the plan.

They both sat at a little wooden table in the corner of the pub. "So, I am going to be milling around in the investigations," he told her. "You can come if you'd like, but you don't have to."

Johanna raised an eyebrow. "Do you want me to go?" she questioned.

The Doctor shrugged. "I'm just asking," he responded. "I could go and do my things and you could look around the city or something like that. Go to a few places, sight see, meet people, I don't care. Just be back at the TARDIS by Friday."

"Friday?!" she exclaimed. "That's almost a week from now! You expect to investigate for that long? Doctor, I know you and you'd never be caught dead in the same time period for over a week."

This statement reminded him of the year the Doctor came to stay with the Ponds...

"Well, these murders are said to be unsolvable so I expect it to take that long," he explained. "Just to check, you have your key?"

Johanna reached into a little bag she had brought along and showed him the key. "Excellent," he said. He then stood up and headed towards the door. "See you in six days." And he was gone.

Johanna sighed and looked around. No one seemed to be in here. "Can I get you anything?" asked the waitress startling Johanna. "Oops, sorry, didn't mean to frighten ya." She had an Irish accent.

"It's okay," Johanna replied. "And, uh, no I'm okay for now."

"Alrighty, but if you need anything just holler and I'll be over here in a moment," said the waitress as she left.

Johanna stood up from the table and walked out of the pub. She made a leisurely walk down to a pier where no one seemed to be. She sat down on a bench that was out there and looked at the water out in front of her. Why would the Doctor just leave her like this? The Doctor didn't really caution Johanna's safety, so why would he now? Is it all because of the hotel?

Johanna didn't know what to do. She then stood up from the pier and walked to where the TARDIS was parked. She opened the door with her key and found her bedroom which was up some stairs. She took her corset off and got into her bed. She snuggled into the covers and quickly drifted off to sleep.

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