If I look..I might like it..I can't

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I swallow the sweet icing and look at my saviour.

'Who-who are you?' I say watching the person adjust their black cap.

One of his eyes are visible. It locks with mine. A cold wind hits me like I was naked. His bloody bat rested at his side. He wasn't like the other boys. His own cold aura was far from welcoming. Was he a ghost? The silence was too perfect. He parts his lips to speak. Chalky white skin void of light and strange sports clothing.He strangely looked beautiful...it scared me. 

The black and white hurt my eyes.

'Hey...I'm talking to you...are you listening?' The saviour says leaning to my case.

The distance between us was shocking. I jolt back. 'I-I have to go!!' I shout making a retreat faster then the last. A cold hand grabs my wrist. I turn in shock.

both man's eyes were visible now. They catch mine again. I jolt from the sudden glance. I feel cold sweat settle on my back. I begin to panic. The batter was staring at me blankly.

I writhe in an attempt to break free. 'L-let go!' I squeal. The batter was just watching me struggle. Finally he lets go and watches me scamper away like a lost rat. I could feel his eyes. Cold but subtle.

I look back. Was he smiling?

He seems sad..(Batter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now