My roomate loves me....

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The chair flies pass me hitting the wall. The burst chair leg flies onto my cheek grazing it. I was in too much shock after the realisation of what had happened I didn't hear him scream insults at me. 

I was laying on the floor shielding my face with my arms. As he began clawing and scratching me. All I did was look through the gap between my forearms watching him rage. He was destroying the room we had. I didn't see the Elsen I had grown to love but a raging bear, a rummaging gorilla, a crazy ape. Tears were spilling from my face. My arms were a signal of his monstrosity.

I run to the door and fling it open. Other workers were looking at me in question. They began covering their mouths and muttering amongst themselves. Elsen was still screaming behind me. He was screaming for me to come back. He was writhing on the floor like a pig rolling in mud.

'BRING ME SUGAR!!!!' He screams. I felt people gazing at me. Others shocked, some laughing. shook my head, trying to shake away the trauma, the hurt, the pain, the agony, the tears. Then everybody's faces around me changed. Their mouths began to drop open. I was clueless and scared.

They point behind me screaming, I could hear the echoes of their voices. Before I could turn a hand pats my shoulder. It was black and cold. Like a devil's.

He seems sad..(Batter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now