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Beauty is defined as a combination of qualities; shape, colour and form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.

In simple words, beauty is in appearance, looks, image.

What is beauty truly.

Beauty and the Beast  tries to convey the message that true beauty is from within a person. But if you were to look at it from my point of view, the Beast is actually the beauty meanwhile Gaston is the beast. Gaston is basically the beast as Prince Adam before he was cursed, and in the form of a beast, the Beast has learns that true beauty isn't just in appearance. Yet he marries Belle who everyone conceives as the Beauty in the story.

And appearance is the beauty that people first look at. It's why we have all these people follow body trends. Not long ago the main trend that women wanted was that they had to have a stick figure, but now the trend is all about 'health and fitness' so they have a lot of guys bulking up working on there abs, shoulders, arms and legs. Whereas the women are going for the perfect gym peach butt and toned thighs. Some say it's the Kardashian's look. Small waist, wide hips, peach butt, thick toned thighs.

What does beauty mean to you?

To me it's when you go to a restaurant with your family and a guy walks past with his family or his group of friends and he's eyes go straight to Gemma, eyeing her up, grinning then he smiles at everyone at the table checking to see who she's with. However when he's eyes land on me he's met with a glare that often makes guys so uncomfortable that they have to duck their heads and avoid my eyes. It stops their stupid smile and stops them glancing at Gemma. And why do I do that? Because they don't ever look at me like that. I get the friendly once over and I hate it.

Hate to feel like I'm not beautiful.

I get that it's the way society works, but how can people and movies push that 'true beauty' comes from within when everyone judges on appearances first. 

When I was younger boys would run around, carefree, not caring about if they got muddy, if their hair was brushed, or even if they had matching socks on. Nowadays they are all neat, Nike bottoms are out, and chinos are in. They go for the smart-casual look.
People make fun out of those guys that groom themselves, getting their eyebrows waxed or threaded, yet they make fun of those who don't do it as well.

It's like they can't win.

Girls don't wear make up and they are plain and you can see the faults with their skin, and face. Yet if they wear make up they get criticised about it, that they wear too much make up, not the right tone, that their heads look separated from their bodies.

Beauty is a game no one can win.

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