Chapter 1

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Dogs are known to be excitable, loving, and loyal.

Cats are known to be standoffish, cold, and aloof.

Polar opposites.

You are what people would describe as a ‘dog person’. You adore dogs, and are like one in many ways, enjoying the simple things in life, and getting easily worked-up.

Your neighbour, Min Yoongi, on the other hand, is a cat owner – a quiet young man, who spends most of his time indoors, and tends to seek out comfort. The sort of guy who’s always bundled up in scarves, or drowning in woollen jumpers.

Polar opposites.

There’s something about your neighbour that rubs you the wrong way. Maybe it’s the fact that he insists on wearing glasses, even though he doesn’t need them. Maybe it’s the fact that he always has something to complain about. Or maybe it’s just your clashing personalities. Whatever it is, you try to stay out of his way as much as possible.

So it is with a heavy heart that you approach your apartment on an early spring evening, carrying bags of groceries, to see Min Yoongi bolting his door, ready to head out. You want to avoid any sort of interaction, and so quickly dip your eyes to the floor.  But it’s too late.

“Ah, Y/N,” Yoongi’s eyes light up behind his thick rimmed glasses, “I was wondering if I could have a word.” 

This can’t be good.

You set down your groceries, and place your hands on your hips – a visual hint that he should keep this brief.

“It’s about your dog,” Yoongi scrunches up his nose as he says the word, “It keeps on barking and scratching at the door while you’re away. It gets pretty annoying, especially when I’m trying to nap.”

Squishing down your irritation, you smile as sweetly as you can. “I’m sure my dog would behave a lot better if you didn’t give your cat free roam of the apartment complex.” You eye Yoongi, watching him shift from foot to foot awkwardly. “It’s perfectly natural for dogs to get excited when they smell another animal.” 

Yoongi runs a hand through his hair, which is silver – a rather unconventional choice. You are surprised that someone as introverted as Yoongi would go for a colour so unnatural, so bold.

“It’s aggravating,” he glowers at you, as if you were the one barking, “You need to keep it under control.”

“It’s not an it, it’s a he,” you spit back.

“I don’t care. Just keep the noise down,” Yoongi responds, before digging his hands into his pockets and sauntering off.

Feeling the hairs on the back of your neck crawling with irritation, you pick up your bags and tumble into your apartment, greeted by frantic yips. Your dog, a small bundle of fur, hurls himself at you and you drop your bags to scoop him up.

“Were you barking again?” you ask him, tapping him lightly on the nose. He tries to lick your fingers before squirming out of your hands again. You sigh, migrating to the kitchen to put your groceries away. 

The apartment complex has strict rules regarding pets. If your dog keeps barking Yoongi is likely to complain, and your dog could be kicked out. Actually, come to think of it… why hasn’t Yoongi sent in a complaint already? The two of you are constantly bickering about your pets, whether you are bemoaning the dead animals Yoongi’s cat leaves lying around, or he’s chastising you for letting your dog make so much noise, there’s always some kind of tension circulating between you.

Finished packing everything away, you meander into the lounge and slide onto the sofa. You wouldn’t let Yoongi bother you for now. Turning on the TV, you decide to watch a couple of episodes of your favourite series, before calling it a night.

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