Chapter 2

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You blink your eyes open, and blearily drink in the blue morning light sifting through your apartment.

Sitting up, you ruffle your hair, which has become twisted and messy with sleep. The blanket which had been pulled over you slides onto the floor with a soft fwump. 

Your dog is asleep in his basket, breathing lightly.

The events of last night trickle to the forefront of your brain, muddling your thoughts. It seems distant and blurry now. Getting up, you see two empty mugs, cleaned and rinsed, sitting on your kitchen counter. The remnants of the night before.

You feel confusion surface. Why would Yoongi, who you suspect hates you, offer to help? Why would he be willing to sacrifice his night for you, when all you ever have to offer him is hostility? It all makes no sense. Your heart feels uneasy and bumpy when you think about it for too long, as if it’s doing flips in the confines of your rib cage.

Despite your history with Yoongi, you decide that the best thing to do, the politest thing to do, would be to thank him. His offer of help had been unexpected, but you have manners, and you wouldn’t stoop to ignoring his aid just because the two of you don’t usually get along.

It being a Saturday, you decide to go into the city centre. Maybe you’ll get Yoongi a small gift to say thank you. Or would that be pushing it too far? All he had done was stay up with you on a night when you’d really needed the company. And not laughed at you when you were frightened. Or complained when you fell asleep with your head on his shoulder. You feel your face begin to flame up. You had fallen asleep with your head on his shoulder, hadn’t you? On second thought, perhaps you should just avoid Yoongi. Forever. There’s no way you’re getting over that embarrassment.

↝ ♡ ↜

It’s six o’clock in the evening. You managed to spend the whole day in the city, dipping in and out of shops, calling in to your favourite café, visiting the library. Despite your doubts, you did end up buying a small gift for Yoongi – a thick knitted scarf. Knowing him, he probably already owns one just like it. As you head home, rain begins to fall, pattering gently at first, before evolving into a full-blown downpour. You sprint the last couple of streets, and crash though the doors into your apartment block, only to run headfirst into Min Yoongi.

You’re about to duck out of his way, when you notice his expression. He’s anxious, brow twisted, mouth tense. 

“What’s wrong?” you ask, breathless from your run.

“It’s my cat,” Yoongi responds, trying to get past you, out the door.

“What?” You dart to catch up with him. He’s already outside, battling the freezing rain. “Hey, you’re not even wearing a jacket or anything, you idiot. Get back inside,” you call.

Yoongi ignores you, stalking through the sheets of rain. You find yourself running after him, struggling to keep up with his brisk stride. You grab onto his arm, trying to pull him back. “Yoongi, what’s wrong?”

He easily breaks free from your grip, as if you’re made of dust and cobwebs.

“My cat hasn’t come back to the apartment. Something’s wrong with her,” is all he gives you.

“Cats are pretty independent,” you soothe, “She’ll come back when she’s ready.”

“No.” Yoongi turns to face you, his damp hair spilling into his eyes, “She always comes home at five o’clock. Always.”

“I’ll help you look for her then,” you decide.

Yoongi only turns on his heel and continues walking. You follow.

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