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It’s been three weeks since you started dating Min Yoongi.

Three weeks that were initially awkward, filled with hesitant hand holding and blush-tinted cheeks. Three weeks seeing his grin, and knowing you were its cause. Three weeks in which your heart has swollen to double its size with happiness.

The scarf that you bought for Yoongi all those weeks ago sits in the corner of your wardrobe, forgotten. It isn’t until you’re riffling through the wardrobe one day, hunting for an old pair of shoes, that you discover it again. Picking it up out of its hiding place, you allow all the memories of that night to come flooding back to you - the night you began to fall in love with Min Yoongi.

You want to give it to him, to show him how grateful you are for all the help he’s ever offered you, but you’re unsure how. You eventually decide to leave it, wrapped, in his letter box. You know him well enough by now to know that he won’t accept the gift in person.

As you step out of your apartment, ready to leave off the present, Yoongi appears at his door. There goes your plan of not giving it to him in person. Despite yourself, you whip your hands behind your back, hiding the present from sight.

Yoongi mirrors you, his eyes suspicious as he places his hands behind his back.

“Morning,” you try to sound nonchalant.

“What’s behind your back, Y/N?” Yoongi asks. Straight to the point.

“I could ask you the same thing,” you reply, twirling around him, catching a glimpse of something white in his hands, before he spins around to face you.

“I asked first,” he retorts, a glimmer of a smirk on his lips.

You sigh, then extend your hand, showing him the present.

“Something to say thank you,” you reply.

Yoongi’s voice is exasperated, as he says, “How many times do I have to tell you that you owe me nothing?”

“I know,” you say, “But I wanted to give this to you. I actually got it for you the day after the thunder storm. You know, when you stayed up with me?”

Yoongi gives up his arguing, and instead hands you the piece of paper that’s been tucked behind his back all this time.

“I’ve actually had this sitting around my apartment for a while as well,” he says, looking embarrassed.

“You open mine first,” you bargain, keeping the paper folded.

Yoongi unravels the delicate tissue paper surrounding the present, and his eyes light up when he sees the scarf. He looks up at you, a massive grin spreading across his face, the biggest you’ve seen so far. “Even back then, you knew me so well,” he smiles.

He then glances at the paper in your hand. He looks nervous and excited.

Unfolding the paper, you see that it’s the lyrics that you had discovered written on his desk the same day that he’d lost his cat.

“I wrote them with you in mind,” Yoongi says softly. You want to look up at him, want to see that embarrassed neck-scratching he always does in situations like this, but the tears that are threatening to fall prevent you from doing so.

Instead you just murmur, “Thank you.”

The lyrics spell out a whole month of loving and hating, of wanting to be with someone, of clashing with someone. Your life before you fell in love. Your life after you fell in love.

You feel Yoongi draw you closer, his arms warm against your waist, and without thinking about it, almost as naturally as breathing, you stretch up on your tip toes and brush your lips against his.

“Thank you,” you repeat.

ıllıllı the end ıllıllı

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