Chapter One

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Newt sighed, slinging his school bag over his shoulder. The school day had finally ended, and all the blond boy wanted to do was go home.
Newt looked up to see a familiar girl. "Hey, Teresa," Newt said, beginning to make his walk home. The dark-haired girl smiled at him. "Why are you in such a rush?" she asked, speeding up to keep up with the blond boy. Newt let a hum of confusion and then noticed a struggling Teresa. "Oh. I'm sorry," the blond chuckled. Teresa only shrugged. "It's fine," she responded. Newt sighed. "I just wanted to get away from ... Thomas," the blond mumbled. Teresa nodded. "Understandable," she responded. "I wouldn't want to be around that son of a bitch anyways." Newt walked a little slower for Teresa. "Aris, Sonya, and Harriet are going to be around later," she said, breaking the silence that had slowly occurred.
"Well of course Sonya would be around," Newt said. "That means I have to be around." Teresa let out a chuckle. "Come on, Newt. It's not that bad. They're your friends too," she said, trying to convince the blond. Newt shook his head. "No. Alby and Winston are my friends and they aren't even going to be around," he shot back. Teresa rolled her eyes. "Fine. My friends and your sister. But it'll be good to know Harriet and Aris and little better," the girl said. Newt glanced at Teresa helplessly. "You really want me to go to some dumbass hangout?" he asked. Teresa nodded. "I bet you'll abandon me the first twenty seconds," he muttered. "Especially since we'll around a bunch of girls and Aris." Teresa smacked Newt's shoulder. "What! I don't ... do girls," the blond muttered to more himself than Teresa. Teresa scoffed. "You can't use being gay — never mind. Besides, Aris will be there," Teresa said. Newt rolled his eyes. "It's Aris."
Teresa giggled at Newt's remark. "He's not that bad," she responded. Newt smirked. "Other than the fact he's clingy as fuck to my sister. Who — I'm pretty sure — is into Harriet."
Teresa just chuckled. "Fine, Newt. Don't come. Go read your books or do your homework; whatever the hell you do in your free time," she said.
"Or, you can just of course hang out with me."
Newt inwardly groaned. He turned his head to the side to see Thomas Lawson leaning against a alley wall, a cigarette lit in his mouth. Teresa just shook her head in pure disapproval. "So that's Thomas? As in the schools 'I'm so hot,' bad boy Thomas?" she asked. Newt only nodded. "Hey, angel," the brunet boy said with a smirk. Teresa scoffed. "Thomas I'm not inter—" The brunet raised an eyebrow. "Sorry. I wasn't talking to you." Newt averted his gaze to the ground. "Dear god please help me," the blond muttered to himself. "Why now." The brunet smirked, staring at the blond. "So. Heard you were free, huh?" Newt looked up, meeting Thomas' brown eyes. "And why in world would I ever want to hang out with someone like you, Thomas?" Newt asked. Thomas smirked before taking a drag of his cigarette. "Well of course you'd be with Gally, Siggy, and Minho too." Teresa raised an eyebrow. "And this makes it" she asked. Thomas grinned. "Well there'll Can't have your hands all over me can we, blondie?"
Newt's eyes widened. "Newt, lets go," Teresa muttered in his ear, pulling on his arm rather sharply. "He's not worth it." Newt sighed. "I'll see you around, Thomas," he whispered, suddenly getting a feeling to just run and not look back. "Nice talking to you, sweetheart." Newt only rolled his eyes at the brunet's words. "Goodbye, Thomas." Newt grabbed Teresa's arm. "Come on, we're leaving," he said, not giving Thomas a second glance. Teresa only nodded. "See you around, blondie!" Thomas called after Newt. Newt kept walking. Never in a million years would he ever associate himself with someone like Thomas.
"What a dick!" Teresa exclaimed, pacing around Newt's room. "I mean I've never talked to Thomas before until then, but the way he talked to you! What are you; one of his fuck toys?!" the girl exclaimed. "Angel? Sweetheart? Blondie? Who does he think he is?" Newt chuckled. "I don't know why you're getting so pissed off, Tes," Newt said. "This isn't recent. It's been happening for the past three years." Teresa make a noise of disgust. "He's a sick person," she muttered. Newt just shook his head. "It doesn't even matter that much," he said. "He went easy on me today because you were there. It gets a lot worse, trust me."
Teresa stared in awe. "Has he...?" Newt stared at his best friend in shock. "NO! God, Teresa! I would've reported his ass to the police a long time ago. I'm not helpless you know," Newt said, shooting her a small glare. Teresa sent Newt an apologetic glance. "I'm sorry," she mumbled. "But you just let him push you around like that. It bugged me," she responded. Newt smiled at her. "T, it's okay." Teresa nodded. " have fun in here. I'm going to go talk to Sonya," she said. Newt nodded. "Good. You do that. I need to go finish up a project for school."
That was a lie. He wanted another reason to just get Teresa out. Newt sighed as the dark-haired girl walked out. Newt ran his hands through his hair and shut the door.
Newt sat, drumming his fingers on his leg with he heard a knock on his window. The blond boy raised an eyebrow in confusion before walking over to his window. He opened it, noticing an all to familiar face. "Thomas?" he asked, a bit confused as to why the boy had made an appearance here at his window. The brunet shot Newt a wink. "Sup, blondie." Newt cast him a glare. "Go a smoke another cigarette," he said, going to shut the window. Thomas raised an eyebrow before placing his hand up, stopping the window from coming down any further. He shook his head in disapproval. "That's not very nice, Newton." Newt rolled his eyes. "How do you even know where I live? This is the first time you've ever come here. Do you — do you watch me walk home, Thomas?" a small smirk played on the blond's lips. Thomas bit his bottom lip rather harshly. "On some occasions, maybe," he responded. The blond stared in awe. "Thought this was your sisters bedroom," Thomas said, looking around. Newt furrowed his eyebrows. "You did not," he said. Thomas shrugged. "True, I didn't. that I'm here. I think that bed looks a little empty. What about you?" Thomas asked, a small smirk tugging on his lips. Newt shook his head in disbelief. "Not a chance, Thomas. Now go. Don't think of coming back," the blond said rather sharply. Thomas made a look of confusion. "You sure you don't want me to come back, sweetheart?" he purred, resting his hand under his chin, leaning against the window.
Newt chuckled, leaning forward so his lips brushed past Thomas' ear. "Not. A. Chance," he whispered. Thomas leaned forward but Newt pulled back. "I think you should get going," he said, leaving a pouting and disappointed Thomas. Thomas leaned back. "Right now, blondie?" he asked. Newt nodded. "Yes. Now. Right now," he responded. Thomas  - out of the blue - leaned forward, pressing a kiss to the blond's cheek before pulling away. "See you around, angel," he said before finally vanishing out the window. Newt sighed and rolled his eyes. "Okay, Thomas."

A/N: So here it is! Chapter one! As you can see Thomas is labeled a "bad boy." Though I didn't want to make a cliche love story where Newt is innocent blah blah blah. As you can see there is a bit of tease in the relationship. But yes, Newt also will be a bit vulnerable and helpless around Thomas at some points but I just wanted to point out some minor key points in their relationship. I hope you enjoyed chapter one because I spent a lot of time on this. This originally wasn't going to be my fanfic. I was planning on scrapping it so enjoy it. Feedback is always welcome! And if you can't tell, "angel," "sweetheart," and "blondie," are Thomas' nicknames for Newt that will be used throughout the whole book.

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