Chapter Two

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Newt stared at the window where Thomas left. He had been staring at that window for at least five minutes, thinking about Thomas. Not necessarily of Thomas, but his actions.

Yes, Thomas had made bold moves on Newt but never touching. So, the kiss on the cheek was obviously a surprise for him. Newt had no feelings for Thomas and didn't want to lead the brunette on, not that he would care very much. Thomas had been a flirt for the past few years and this was nothing new.

Newt sighed. He shut the window, relieved that Thomas had left. He had claimed that he wouldn't associate himself with someone like Thomas, and it was true. He wouldn't.

Teresa had come back into Newt's room an hour later. "You coming Newt?" the dark-haired girl asked. Newt glanced at Teresa, his lip jutted out in a pout. "Do I have to?" he asked. Teresa leaned against the doorway, her arms crossed over her chest. "No. But it'll be better than laying in here. I can bet you that much," she responded. Newt thought it over for a moment. "Please, Newt," Teresa begged. Newt sighed, finally giving into Teresa's pleas. "Fine. I'll go for an hour," he said. Teresa smiled. "An hour," Newt repeated. Her smile still stayed the same on her face. "Come on. Get ready. An hour is \better than nothing."

Newt got up reluctantly. "I'm already good to go. Come on," he muttered. Teresa smiled. "Come on. Let's go."

Newt really hated hanging out with Teresa and Sonya's friends. There was nothing wrong with Harriet or Aris, but it was just the fact Newt was interacting with them. There were a select few people Newt could actually stand in life, and it was pretty easy to guess who.

It had been two hours and Newt hadn't said a word. He didn't really know what to say. He felt a bit out of place standing there with Teresa and Sonya's friends. He never knew what to say. Socializing wasn't really his forte, and it probably never would be.

Newt had been sitting on Teresa's couch for an hour and barely had interacted with anyone. He had talked to Teresa for a few minutes before she was dragged away by Sonya. He had scrolled mindlessly on his phone for a few minutes before he had finally had enough of laying around.

"I'm heading out," he said to Teresa. The blue-eyed girl raised an eyebrow. "Why?" she asked, a bit puzzled. Newt shrugged. "I'm just a bit bored. I'm going to go get some fresh air. I'll be back in ten minutes," he responded. Teresa nodded. "Okay. Be careful," she said. Newt nodded.

Newt tried to do as Teresa requested, though once he saw Thomas he knew he was fucked. The brunet had been leaning against the alley wall as always, a cigarette lit in his mouth. Newt put his hood on, knowing it would do little good and Thomas would notice him sooner or later.

Much to Newt's dismay, Thomas had caught him sooner. "Hey, angel," the dark-haired boy chuckled. Newt rolled his eyes. "Hey, Thomas," he responded, a fake smile that Thomas could notice on Newt's face. He frowned. "Disappointed to see me, Newtie?" he asked, a little smirk playing on his face. Newt rolled his eyes. "Why the hell would I be happy to see you isthe real question," he responded. Thomas placed a hand on his heart, pretending to be offended. "Sweetheart, that really hurt," he said. Newt bit the inside of his cheek. "Oh, yeah?" he responded. Thomas just smirked. "Sorry Tommy Boy, you'll have to get used to it. " Newt was actually having fun with this conversation. "Too bad, sweetheart. I like that nickname."

Scratch the having fun part.

Newt checked his phone, seeing it has been over 10 minutes, put his phone back in his pocket. "Sorry Tommy, but I really have to get going now." Thomas pushed off the wall. "What's the rush baby?" Thomas chuckled while slipping his hands around Newt's waist. The blond-haired boy gasped softly. Newt, now feeling very uncomfortable, pushed from his grip to walk away. "Thomas, I really should go." As Newt turned to walk away, Thomas reached out and grabbed Newt by the wrist. "Here Blondie might want your phone. I put my number in already. Use it." Newt just stood there, mouth wide open. "How the fuck did you do that so fast?" Thomas shook his head, a small chuckle escaping his lips. "That's for me to know, love. Now go, before I change my mind." With that, Newt scurried off back to Teresa's house. And as much as he wanted to delete the new contact "Tommy Boy" from his phone, he knew he wouldn't.

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