Moving to New York

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Word count: 313

Edited; March. 30. 2019.

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

Mom and dad went to go get groceries because we needed more, then out of nowhere my phone starts to ring. I looked at the ID number it was the police station? I answered "hello?" I asked "is this (Y/n) (L/n)?" A deep voice asked, god it sent a chill down my spine "yes, is something wrong?" I asked worriedly. "Yes I'm sorry to inform you but your parents died in a car crash" 'he really did sound sorry' I thought "it's fine" I told him hanging up. I fell to my knees crying, after I got done crying for almost 20 minutes I called my cousin who lives in NY, it rang a couple times then she answered "hey (Y/n), is anything wrong? You don't call me this early" April said tired "sorry April I forgot about different time thing.

But I need a place to stay" I said hesitantly "why did something happen?" She asked more awake now. "Yeah my mom a-and dad died" I stuttered almost about to cry again. "Uncle and Auntie died?! I'm so sorry (Y/n)" she screamed "i-it's fine but can I stay with you guys?" I asked. "Of course! How will you get here?" "Well I could get my mom and dad's credit cards and fly there." "Ok we'll get a room ready for when you get here" "ok I'll go and get the credit cards from the police station, bye!" I said as I hung up.

-le time skip to the airplane-

Now all I get to do is wait I watched the in-flight movie, but I fell asleep half way through because in-flight movies are really boring. (A/n tell me I'm wrong!) I woke up being shook awake "excuse me miss? We're in NY" the flight attendant woke me up "ok thank you" I said as I was walking out with my luggage.


If you guys didn't know, I already have started the continuation for this! That's why I'm editing this right now. I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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