
559 19 3

Word count: 1, 688

Edited; 11. 9. 19

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

I woke up realizing I cried myself to sleep last night, I looked to the couch and see April sleeping sitting up. I left a note saying I'd be at the lair, then I quietly closed the door and ran to the lair slightly crying on the way. Once I walked in I broke down crying, I heard Leo say "(Y/n)?! What's wrong?!" And I heard only three sets of feet. "T-T-The Kraang!" I yelled getting angry punching the floor making a huge crack "woah" Mikey said surprised. "What did they do?!" Raph asked getting angry "they.... they took uncle Kirby!" I yelled putting my hand on the floor.

Right where I made the crack, so now it's all patched up "okay we have to figure out where they took him!" Donnie said determined. "Who took who?" April asked walking in, then she seen me... "(Y/n), what happened?!" She asked while hugging me tightly. I hugged back, then Mikey, being Mikey, said the truth too quickly "the Kraang took your dad." "MIKEY!!!" The turtle bros scolded him, April looked pissed "dad?... NO!" Then she started making us float. "APRIL!" Donnie and I say in unison, she looked at her hands, then she somehow got me closer to her.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU HELP HIM?!" She yelled looking me straight in the eyes "April-" I struggle in her hold "you're hurting me..." I say, almost fainting, then she looked scared and dropped us all. I coughed once we got dropped and the guys all groaned "I'm sorry... I don't know what happened." April apologized helping me up "well to your question, I tried, but they tricked me, and left with a smoke bomb." I look at the others to see if they're hurt "I think I sprained my wrist from the fall" Leo said holding his wrist. "Here, let me help" I offered, then I healed him right up "thanks-" "ughhh we know she's perfect. Just let it go!"

Raph yelled out angered, I look at him, almost about to cry from having flashbacks of what people said that got to me.

"Just quit you're a slow idiot anyway"

"You can't make it little miss perfect"

"Oops! I guess your lunch likes you better than boys!"

"You're already at rock-bottom!"

"I'm not surprised your parents died"

"Ughhh we all know she's perfect just let it go!"

Then I dropped down crying remembering all of those things being said, some of them before I even left my old home! "Raph what the heck?!" April yelled "I'm already at rock bottom" I sobbed out.

Third persons p.o.v

Everyone looked surprised when that left your mouth, even Raph, he remembered when he used to think like that..... "I'm sorry" he apologized. "Lets go talk about it" he said walking towards you, everyone was now speechless, even you. You got up slowly and walked with him to his room....

Back to you

I watched as he closed the door and waited for him to say something about why he wanted to talk to me. "I know how you feel" he started "it feels like everyone is against you, and you don't have much people to count on." I smiled knowing I'm not alone on this "and the one person you could count on... changes" I continued looking at him, he smiled a genuine smile. "Hey you can count on me, I promise I won't hurt ya no more" he said holding out his hand. "Only if I can help you too?" I asked not wanting anyone I know to feel like this, his eyes widened.

He looked deep in thought "deal!" "Deal!" I said after him and shaking his hand "we should go out before they think you're trying to murder me" I joked walking to the door. "Well?! Okay ms. Powers, let's go" Raph says with sarcasm "let's not talk about me having powers. Unless I need to use them, I don't like them to be honest with ya" I confessed "okay" "because I never asked for any of this." "I feel like that too" "we'll have this talk later" "okay" we walked out to see everyone staring at us. "Take a pic, it'll last longer" I joke, but Mikey took it literal and grabbed out his phone for Leo just to push Mikeys hands down slowly.

April's cousin (Donnie x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora