Donnie and Leo are upset with eachother

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(Y/n)'s p.o.v

Once I started singing to Moana I didn't notice the guys come in "gues who?" Leo asks covering my eyes. I jump when he does and say "it's obviously Leo-" "guess again!" Leo says "Raph?" "No it's me dudette! Hey whatcha watching?" He asks moving his hands and jumping over the couch next to me. "Moana, it's an amazing movie with it's funny parts and some gross but funny" I inform the three. "Where's Don? Is he doing his nerd thing?" Raph asks sitting on the floor while Leo sat next to me. "No! He's helping April with her homework!" "Ya better hope he isn't doing anything in there! Remember he used ta like her" Raph teased. "Oh ha, ha Raph very funny! That's like telling Donnie to worry about me and Leo hanging out! We all know he likes me but I'm in a relationship" I tell him. "You wanna tell that to Leo?" Mikey asks me pointing at Leo who was staring at me but then looks at the movie. "Who's that dude with the curly hair? Seems like he's a tough guy" Leo says pointing at Maui.

"Oh that's Maui, demi-god of the wind and sea, hero to all" I say in unison with Maui on accident "well okay I'm gonna go train with the dummy because you are too into this movie" Raph says walking in the dojo. "I'm gonna go and look for pizza! I'll try to save you a slice dudette!" Mikey says running into the kitchen. I chuckle "thanks Mikestar" I say getting comfy on the couch forgetting about Leo. "Uhhh (Y/n)" Leo says making me jump "sorry I kinda forgot you were there, most likely from the way you're being quiet" I admit. He started getting closer to me, I fall on my back on the couch and I start sliding back. "U-Uhh Leo what are you doing?" I ask as he keeps coming closer, I'm starting to breathe heavily. "I'm sorry I c-can't help myself" he stutters as my back now running out of room to back up to. "Leo-" he puts his lips on mine cutting me off my own sentence, but when I try to push him off he grabs my wrists and pins me onto the couch. Most Likely so I won't kick him off he gets on my legs, and when I move my head he just moves his head with mine! "LEO!! WHAT'RE YOU DOING?!" I hear Donnie yell at Leo. Leo gets off my legs giving me an advantage to kick him off, once I do he goes flying into the lab. "Donnie I swear I didn't do anything! He kissed me-" "and you don't stop him?!" "I tried he grabbed my hands, then got on my legs so I couldn't kick him off! And when I tried to move my head he moved his with mine!" I yell back.

Right when Donnie was about to yell again, Raph interrupts and says "she's right Don, I heard the whole thing kinda, I was trying not to" "see! I tried my hardest Don! Break up with me if you want, but it would be for something your brother did!" I say pointing at Leo who was limping his way to us. Donnie looked at me then to Leo "Leo I don't know if I can forgive you... but (Y/n) you can NEVER be in a room alone with Leo!" He tells me pointing at Leo. "I think I'm gonna stay with Dolar tonight, bye guys" I say going off with my luggage and towards the sewers. While I'm walking I hear footsteps coming towards me so I get in a battle stance. "Mikey I'm not in the mood right nOw!" I yell my voice breaking a little, but when the footsteps stop I see Raph in front of me. I put my hands down and sigh about to grab my bags when he hugs me, I hug back putting my head on his shoulder. "Ya know they're arguing about who made ya leave right?" He asks me, I start laughing a little "you think I should go back?" I ask. "It's the only way to shut 'em up" he answered back laughing "okay, but why did you come here for me?" I ask while we're walking. He looks down "you don't like me too, do you?" I ask about to groan and walk faster but he says "no! No! I wouldn't do that to my brothers! Neither would Leo so that just means he's got it bad! I'm just trying to help, both you AND Leo" Raph tells me looking down.

I sigh in relief "not that it would be bad! It's just dealing with people who like you when you ARE in a relationship, it's kinda stressful" I tell him. He laughs and says "really?" "Kinda it's like I can't hang out with any dude! Like I realized when I got rescued by you guys and Casey and Tristan, I realized Casey used to like me!" I say laughing. "Dang girl who doesn't like ya? Besides me" Raph says smirking, I laugh and playfully push him making him hit the wall "Oh my gosh! I'm sorry I still haven't gotten fully used to my strength" I apologize. "It's fine but-" "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! AT LEAST I DIDN'T JUST ALMOST RAPE HER!" "HEY I'M GETTING IN MY SEASON! I CAN'T HELP IT! AT LEAST I THINK IT'S MY SEASON!" You hear them arguing from here! I jump and start flying and say "I'm not here" and stay by the ceiling and go into the lair. "WELL I GUESS WE'RE JUST GONNA HAVE TO ASK RAPH! BECAUSE HE SAID HE WAS COMING WITH HER!" Donnie yells and Leo agrees. They looked like they were gonna kill each other! I'm kinda happy I'm here.

"Hey she said she didn't wanna come-" "what?! But you said-" "I know what I said, it's what she says! Leo I can't force her to come with me! So just chill out because she'll probably change her mind" Raph says calmly at the end. Everyone got quiet and then I gently fly down to the floor and say "yeah guys listen to Raph! He's right sometimes" I joke and Donnie comes and hugs me. I hug back and start yelling "I missed you guys too, but why are you guys arguing?! Just because I leave you argue?! What if I just wanted to be with Dolar, I kinda wanted to get along with him! But nope I have to keep you two from arguing! Now everyone is going to bed!" And I seen everyone look at me wide eyed. "What do I need to give ya a 'when'?! Okay now?! Because I'm not in the mood!" I say still 'mad' making everyone run to their rooms and all at the same time they closed their door. "My apologies Master Splinter! It was the only way I thought to get them to their room" I yell and walk to Raph's door. I knock and he says scared "I'm going to sleep (Y/n)! Ya don't have to tell me twice!" I roll my eyes and knock again, he slowly opens the door and sees me calm. I open the door more and walk in and close the door.

"Raph I only yelled to get everyone in their room, and those two won't argue so you don't have to worry" I assure him. He sighs in relief and says "okay now you go so I can get a night rest without having to be scared" pushing me out, I laugh and say "okay I'm going! I'm going!" Then he closes he door. I walk to Donnie's room and knock no answer, I put my head against the door and hear either moaning or groaning.... I knock a little louder and then hear stuff fall making me jump. "Donnie? Are you okay?!" I ask about to open the door but he yells "NO! I mean *clears throat* yeah I'm fine just give me a minute to clean this up!" I nod my head slowly understanding it's probably dark in there. It takes a minute until I hear him yell "come in!" I open the door to see Donnie looks kinda uncomfortable "you okay-" "yes, you came in here though for...." He trails off letting me finish. "I came in here because I didn't wanna trust my room being by myself so I wanted to know if I can sleep in here tonight?" I ask looking him in the eye. "Oh s-sure I can take the floor-" "no! I can take the floor Don! It is your room-" "but I can't let my girl sleep on a floor! It would be the opposite of classy" we went back and forth. But then I thought of "why don't we share the bed?!" He blushes looking more uncomfortable and then say "yeah! That's perfect!" And we both get comfy and go to sleep.


Okay im sorry but my mom is starting to tell me that I'm on my phone too much, so okay as always read on my dudes!


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