tenessee myths 1

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Omg i love tenessee
Here is  the new series😍

In 1804, farmer John Bell and his family settled in northern Robertson County in Tennessee and became prosperous members of the community. In the summer of 1817, a cruel presence began haunting them. They saw strange animals on the property and heard knocking from within, and outside, the house, chains being dragged through rooms, and all sorts of gurgling and choking sounds.

After a year, Bell confided his troubles in a neighbor and a committee was formed to investigate. The presence became known as the Bell Witch, and her power grew with the crowds that came to feel her power and, eventually, it was said, speak to her. Though she never assumed corporeal form, many claim to have spoken to the Bell Witch. They say she knew details about the past and future and could be in two places at once. Her goals were to kill John Bell and stop his youngest daughter from marrying a neighbor. She slowly destroyed his health and daughter.

After John Bell's death in 1820 and the dissolution of his daughter's engagement the following year, the witch promised to return in seven years. She kept her word, spending a few weeks with Bell's son in 1828, discussing the past and future. She said there was a reason Bell had to die, but she never revealed her motive. She then said she would return in 107 years, but many think she never left the area at all, due to ongoing bizarre events in the town and the nearby Bell Witch Cave. 

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