Chapter 12

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Cameron was just looking at me so I figured he was hungry or something "You want some?" I asked him

"No I already ate." He said laughing

"What's so funny?" I asked him

"Any other day to would have never shared with me!" he said still laughing

"Cuz I usually just steal it." he said

"Oh!" I said laughing a little too

Nash walked in while Cameron and I were talking.

"Hey can I talk to you?" He said which I knew meant Cameron was about to leave out.

I just ignored him. I wasn't really trying to I was just trying to think of something to say.

"No." I said

"Wait what!?" Nash said

"I said no I don't want to talk to you or have anything to do with you. For all I'm concerned you can do you and I a favor and get out of my life. I'm sure you don't want to keep a stubborn bitch around." I said nearly about to cry

"I'm sorry I didn't mean any of that I'm just confused." he said looking at me with those big blue eyes that were hypnotizing

"Well I'm sorry but you can go be confused out there." I pointed to the door

"Sorry for helping you I guess I should have just left you there for Alex to rape you some more." he said then opened the door and left out.

The nurse walled into my room "You can leave when you are ready." she said then left out

"I'm guessing your not coming with Nash and I." Cameron said

"I don't even know for sure if you and him are telling me the truth. I want to believe you but Nash is making that pretty hard." I said

My mom brought me a backpack with clothes in it to change into.

"Just come outside when your ready I'll be waiting at the front with the car." She said then left out

I didn't say anything to Cameron I just went and changed my clothes which happened to be sweats and my black vans.

Great my mom forgot to pack a shirt out of all things. Usually she would forget my bra but it had to be a shirt.

I leaned my head out the door "Quick question Cameron!"

"Yea?" he said

"Can you hand me that hoodie sitting on that chair?" I asked

"Yea here you go." He said tossing it to me

I fixed my makeup then went back into the room I was in.

"Cameron?" I said

"Yea?" He asked looking up from his phone

"Who's hoodie is this?" I asked

He started to laugh a little "That would be Nash's hoodie."

"Oh." I said

"Don't worry he won't care you used to wear it around."

"Yea but that was before he was completely pissed at me and thought I was a stubborn bitch." I said

Cameron stood up and hugged me "Bye I'll see you again soon right?" he said while he was still hugging me.

I pulled away from him "Probably not." I said

Then I left out before he could say anything else. I walked by Nash and he had his head buried in his knees. It looked like he was crying.

I went out the front door and saw my mom waiting there for me. When I got into the car she didn't say anything it was just silent.

"Why didn't you go with Cameron and Nash aren't you "in love" with them?" she asked

"I don't want to talk about it right now." I said then leaned my head on the window.

I woke up when we got home and didn't even realize I had fallen asleep. Home was another place I remembered.

"Where's your phone?" my mom asked me when we got out the car.

"I have a phone?" I asked

"Cameron might have it." I said

"Maybe he'll bring it by." I said then walked into the house and went upstairs to my room.

I went and laid down in my bed and before I knew it I was asleep.

I woke up to the sound of the doorbell then my mom screamed " I got it."

"Oh come on in she's upstairs!" I heard her say

Shit it was either Cameron or Nash and right now I don't want to see either one of them. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs so I acted as if I was asleep.

I heard him start talking and he was talking to me. I knew it was Nash by the sound of his voice.

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