Chapter 49

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Nash's POV

I woke up around 3 a.m. and Carly wasn't in the bed so I walked downstairs. I saw her sitting down on the cabinet with her head leaned up against the cupboard. "Tell me what's wrong with you right now I'm done guessing and worrying about you. I can't take it anymore just tell me!" I said nearly screaming. "Nothing Nash I'm fine." She whispered just loud enough for me to hear. "Then why have you been latching onto me every second of the day and every time I try to do something that could "possibly hurt me" you try to stop me." "It's my life if I wanna have fun then I'm gonna have some damn fun I don't need you telling me what to do mom" I screamed. "I just want to know why!"

She got up and walked away with tears in her eyes. "Why?" I screamed as she walked upstairs. She stopped and turned around to where her watery eyes were staring at me. "Because your all I have left." She said then walked away.

Carly's POV

At this point I don't think I have anyone left that cares for me. Nash is pissed at me because I'm trying my best not to lose him too. He just doesn't understand how it feels he might have lost Kyler also but he didn't lose his mom and he doesn't feel the same way about my mom that I do. I'm starting to think that I was wrong about Nash I think we are just completely different. He's this vine famous, blue-eyed, perfect guy. I'm just a girl from a small town right outside of New York, NY with big dreams and not enough courage to fulfill them. I walked into mine and Nash's room and grabbed a pillow then went back downstairs to see Nash was still standing there at the bottom of the steps.

I passed him as if he wasn't even there and threw my pillow on the couch then laid down on it. "Your not gonna talk to me anymore are you?" He asked. I laid there in silence. "Oh well I'm done begging for you to forgive me." He said then I heard him walk away. I laid there quietly until I fell asleep. The next few weeks went by and Nash and I didn't really say much to each other the arguments kept getting worse especially on Christmas. We decided to go to Florida for Nash's birthday which was in a couple of days so we are leaving tomorrow. I went upstairs and packed a few of my things once Nash woke up then put all of my luggage to the side. The whole time I was in there it was just awkward silence since we were no longer talking to each other.

I walked out and went back downstairs to see Cameron was sitting down on the couch playing Mario Cart once again with Carter and Hayes was on his phone. I tried creeping back upstairs because I was trying to avoid Cameron also since I knew he would try to get me to talk to Nash which I'm not going to do. "Come here." Cameron said with his eyes locked onto the screen. "Ugh!!" I said loudly. "I don't want to here that bring your ass!" He said still looking at the screen. I walked over to where he was and stood at his side. "Sit." He demanded. "I got a lot to do can you make this fast." I said. "Sit." He repeated.

"Where's Nash?" He asked me when I sat down. "Don't know don't care." I replied. "Yeah you do." He insisted. "No Cameron I really don't know where he is." "That's not what I'm talking about you might not know where he is but I know for sure that you care so stop acting like you don't." He handed the controller to Hayes and asked him to play for him. "I really don't want to talk about this right now." I stood up. "I really don't care anymore." Cameron said. "Well if you don't care then leave me alone I don't want your advice or what you think is best for me. You think Nash is best for me but your wrong. I can't handle all of this anymore my life is literally falling apart. The old one and the new one. I have lost everyone that I love either they have died or they just don't want to deal with me anymore. And it hurts Cameron you might not know because you have the perfect life sure maybe high school was rough for you but look at you now. At least you can look back at all that and say that you made it through it all. You can still call your mom and tell her that all the hard work of raising you wasn't for nothing. You have all these options but I have nothing. Nash and I are nothing alike you and I are nothing alike a girl like me isn't supposed to end up with someone like Nash or a guy like you to call her brother. I feel like the more I fall for you guys and this new life the harder it's gonna be to get back up when it all comes crashing down. But in the end where is that gonna put me for damn sure not back at home with my mom. I just wished I would have died that day in the hospital when Kyler was born like I was supposed to maybe none of this would have happened."

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