Sorry for not Updating ((READ))

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So I haven't updated for literally a couple months now and here's my little excuse to you all on why I haven't done anything with either of my books.

I don't have enough content of deceit to have ideas for this books and I only ever have something that's a small headcoanon that I can't make into a story and trust me it's frustrating because I haven't written anything longer than a couple paragraphs for almost my entire summer.

Also for a little thing here

I do not have interest in writing the sides. Why? I hate Virgil and I'm not amused by Patton and until something big happens in the series then I won't really do anything with them. (That also does include Roman and Logan for clarification)

And also I'm much more interested in cartoon therapy.

Sorry to say but I won't be uploading for a long while on any books or anything because I don't have the content, ideas, or interest in a lot of the characters. I'm also taking a lot more time to draw and perfect my drawing style and improving and add on the fact that I'm drafting school in like a week and a half.

Sorry dudes :/

But that doesn't mean I will never update ever again, it just means I won't really do anything significant anytime soon

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