School Games: Alternate Ending

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(WARNING: If you didn't read School Games then this won't make sense!)

For everyone who doesn't like the ending to School Games here's an alternate one! This one actually finishes the games. I just wanted to make an alternate ending for all the people who are mad about the original ending. You decide which ending you like more and if you're like me, who likes the original ending of a book, then the ending in School Games is the one and only! This is for the people who don't like the original ending.

P.S. To all my readers that I said 'Suck it!' to and my other readers- I'm not sorry! I like my original ending! But if you REALLY hated the original ending then here is my alternate ending. Enjoy :)

Please note: All characters and events in this story are purely fictional, if any reader thinks a character is based off someone it's most likely a coincidence. If you read School Games then I only used my friends first names. I never put real descriptions of anyone I base my characters on.

School Games: Alternate EndingWhere stories live. Discover now