The End

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I was still dizzy but I heard voices. I could make out one of the voices. It was the mystery man and someone else. My eyes were still closed. I tried to get up but my arms and legs were strapped down. I could barley make out their conversation.

"Yes, indeed."

"But I don't know. Should we do it?"

"Yes, of course! I have a feeling this alliance is something special. They'll make excellent-"

I drifted in and out of the conversation.

"But what if something goes wrong?"

"What could go wrong?"

"Their emotions could-"

"It's fine!"

"But if we do this they'll be immortal!"

"So!? That's a good thing!"

"But if they can somehow take control-"

They were arguing now. I wanted to listen but I also just wanted to sleep.

"She's starting to wake up!"

"Quick, use the medicine!"

I felt a needle go into my arm. I winced in pain then drifted off to sleep.

I woke up. I was charging into steel double doors. Where am I? I enter the room. It looks like a gym but not my school's gym. I see hundreds of scared faces. They're kids! Could this be.... a middle school? I can't control my body. I see one kid. He looks scared to death. I pull out a black gun! No! I don't want to shoot him but I do. I see my hand holding the gun. A gloved black hand. Am I? No, I couldn't be a Black Suit. I see all the horrified looks on all the kids faces. I try to apologize but no words come out. I can't speak. I turn around to exit. I see 6 other Black Suits.

When I exit through the door I go outside through another door. It's warm out and I see a black truck. Me and the other 6 Black Suits walk into the back of the truck. I see two men. One has glasses, a lob, coat, and looks to be about 50 or so. The other man has a suit, and a microphone. I look to the back and see about a dozen cameras. The man in the suit speaks.

"I know you kids are most likely wondering what's going on," It's the mystery man,"And I'll tell you. You 7, along with the rest of your grade, are Black Suits."

Black Suits? Us!? How!? The man in the lab coat speaks.

"You have no control of your body. You work for us now, so I should explain, you know what Black Suits are so this should be easy. We are an undercover organization and we hack into schools information, which is how we were able to send everyone letters. We take one week to set up, which is easy since school's are abandoned for the summer. We are on a mission to turn all surviving students into Black Suits. Our organization has about 3,000 trucks just like this one and a team to go with it." he smiled

"If you're wondering why we only choose those who survive the game it's because in order to be turned into a Black Suit you have to have a certain mind. That's why we go to middle schools. We found out middle school students have the perfect mind set but only special middle school students." The mystery man explained

"Now that we've explained everything you may rest." The lab coat man said

We lined up against the wall and stood still. I thought back to when I was strapped down, most likely to an examination table. He said we're immortal, and he also said something about emotions and taking control. I put the two pieces of information together and came to the conclusion that if our emotions somehow got to a certain point we can take control of our bodied again.

15 years have passed. I don't age but if I did I'd be 29 right now. The army of Black Suits are growing by the year. I've been to about 47 schools. I've fed kids and killed kids. Over time I thought about the 6 other Black Suits with me. They were most likely my friends from my old group, but I have no proof it's them. No one speaks, no one can speak. I tried to find out what emotion I need to regain control but have failed every time. The scientist and mystery man haven't talked to us since the first day we became Black Suits. They just press a button on a remote and we sleep. Sleep just means our bodies don't move. Our minds are still awake.

I'm constantly left alone with my thoughts. I re-think my life, every memory and every person in those memories, Memories are all I have left. Good memories and bad memories. I try not to think about all the kids I've killed. Every time I kill a kid I say 'Sorry' in my head but I know they can't hear me. Black Suits are memories. Memories that aren't human anymore. That's all Black Suits are, walking memories. Aren't we all just memories?

Yes, memories that are meant be forgotten.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2014 ⏰

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