The Final Night

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Alistair went to cut off Jake's head but the kid with the bat ran over to Alistair and hit him in the back. Alistair fell to the ground. Cassidy ran over to help him up. Meanwhile, Taylor was trying to kill the kid with the stapler. Chole ran over to help her. Summer and Faye went over to help Cassidy with Alistair and Jake. I decided to help Chole and Taylor with the kid. Chole kept trying to stab him but he kept struggling, trying to get away from Taylor. Finally, the stapler kid stapled Taylor's hand.

"Ow! B*tch!" Taylor screamed

Summer tried to shot him with her crossbow but missed and shot Chole in the arm instead. She screamed.

"Chole! I'm so sorry!" Summer apologized

"Ow. It's okay." Chole said

Taylor slit the stapler kid's throat. We looked over at Alistair, Cassidy, Faye, and Jake. Cassidy was trying to kill Jake while Faye tried to calm her down. I don't know what happened but I saw Cassidy trying to kill Jake but Faye was holding her back. Alistair and Jake were.... talking.

"F*ck you!" Alistair shouted

"Maybe later!" Jake winked

"You're dead!" Cassidy screamed

Cassidy got out of Faye's grasp and swiped Alistair's sword. She went over to Jake and stabbed him in the chest. He looked at the spot where she stabbed him and fell to his knees. Alistair walked over to him and put his face close to his.

"That's what you get for messing with my group, b*tch!" He backed up as Jake started coughing

Jake tried to whisper something but fell silent. His eyes closed, he was dead. I looked at everyone and realized they didn't hear Jake trying to whisper something.

"What now?" asked Summer

"Can we get this damn staple out of my hand?"

"Okay!" Cassidy said and walked over to Taylor. She pulled the staple out of her hand, taking off a chunk of skin with it.

"AH! SON OF B*TCH!" Taylor screamed

Faye grabbed some bandages and wrapped them around Taylor's hand.

"So, what are we going to do about all these dead bodies?" I asked

We all looked at each other and knew what to do. Everyone except Chole and me started dragging the dead bodies out the door. When they were all finished we closed the classroom door and put the chair under it. We all sat in a semi circle. I decided to break the silence.

"Hey, did you guys hear Jake whisper something before he died?"

Everyone shook their heads I looked around and saw that Faye looked uncomfortable. We sat in silence until Summer spoke.

"So, what do you think the prize is going to be?"

"Maybe it's money?" Chole suggested

"Or maybe weapons!" Taylor shouted

While they were talking about the prize I didn't say anything. I saw Alistair and Cassidy didn't say much either. The prize is most likely death. They can't let us go home because we'll tell the police. I wonder if Alistair and Cassidy were thinking the same thing. That night everyone drifted off to sleep except me. Then I heard someone come over to me. When I opened my eyes, I saw Faye kneeling down next to me.

"Are you still awake?" She whispered

"Yeah." I answered

"Remember when you asked anyone if they heard Jake whisper something?" She asked me

"Yes?" I questioned

"I heard him whisper too but did you hear what he whispered?" Faye had a very serious look on her face. I detected a hint of sorrow in her voice but who wouldn't be sad after what we just went through?

"No, but I know he whispered something." I said, I was sitting up now.

"I didn't want to tell the others because I knew it would bother Alistair and Cassidy." She explained.

I was wondering what Jake's last words were. The last words that no one heard but Faye. There was a moment of silence then Faye spoke again,

"He whispered, I love you." Faye said.

I gasped. I was shocked. Jake's last words were a declaration of love to Alistair.

"But," I choked,"It was Jake! He had to be joking. Right?"

"No, I heard it in his voice. When he was being flirty to Alistair he had a light playful tone, but when he whispered those words to him they were spoken with complete seriousness." Faye explained, looking kind of sad.

"You have to tell Alistair!" I said, a little too loud.

"No! It would haunt him for the rest of his life!" Faye exclaimed

"Faye," I said, with a serious tone,"You have to tell him. Jake wanted his dying words to be heard but he died before anyone but you and me could hear him! You have to carry out a man's dying words! His words were meant to be heard and if you don't tell Alistair I will!"

"Keep your voice down!" Faye hissed,"Fine, I'll tell him tomorrow."

"Good." I whispered

Faye went back over to the spot she was sleeping in. I lay down on the floor, left alone with my thoughts. I started to cry. Jake's last words were a declaration of love to Alistair. For some reason it breaks my heart. Out of all the things Jake could have said with his last dying breaths he decided to tell Alistair he loves him. That thought made me cry silently until I fell asleep.

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