The Games Are Over

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I woke up to hear Alistair and Faye talking, everyone else was still asleep. I quickly looked at the clock and it read 7:55 PM. I sat up and listened to Faye and Alistair talking.

"So, Jake tried to whisper to you, I love you." Faye told him,"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. I didn't want to worry anyone. Katrina knows, too. It's your choice to tell Cassidy."

"I don't know what to say." Alistair said with a blank expression. Just then the announcements came on and woke everyone up.

"Attention all students the Game is finally over! Congratulations to all who survived. Please go to the Gym to claim your prize! All killing is now against the rules."

I looked at my group who had smiles on their faces. I felt relived that it was finally over. We ran down to the gym. When we got there I looked around. About 50-100 kids survived. I looked to my right and saw Dustin and Jeremy. I waved and they gave me little smile. Everyone was cheering. People high-fived and and some even cried tears of joy.

Through all the commotion I saw Alistair and Cassidy shouting something. I'm horrible at reading lips but I could make out the word 'gas'. I looked at the vents on the ceiling and saw gas coming out! I quickly pushed through the crowd. The other kids were starting to notice too! We tried to open the doors but they were locked. I feel faint and light headed. I look at my group and try to speak but the gas was already clogging my throat. My head hurt, I heard kids screaming then everything went black.

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