Ch 2- Back To School

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^Omg I can't handle that pic of Burr and Theodosia 

Alexander POV

    I walked into the school, probably looking like some type of snowman. I grew up in Nevis in the Caribbean, where it's always hot. I'm not used to NYC winters yet, even after almost seven or eight years. So of coarse, I wore a lot of jackets, scarfs, gloves, and hats. I go to my usually spot where I'm suppose to meet all my friends, but I didn't see Laurens.

Alex- Have you guys seen Laurens?                                                                                                                                Hercules- Not since New Years Eve.                                                                                                                             

   Of coarse, all of the gang starts to freak out. John is always the first person to get to school.

Burr- Oh my god!                                                                                                                                                                    Thomas- What am I suppose to do without John?!


Thomas- He owes me $10 for beating him on game night!                                                                                   Lafayette- Seriously, mon ami?? Our friend could be in danger, maybe even dead, and you only care about the money?                                                                                                                                                        Thomas- Of coarse! But him being in danger is scary to, I guess.                                                                       

     In homeroom, the famous Turtle Boi enters the room with a worried expression.

Alex- Where have you been?!                                                                                                                                             John- Relax, man. I was finding out doing my truth or dare assignment.                                                     Thomas- Oh thank God you're alright! Where's the $10?

     John gives Thomas $10 and is silent for almost 5 minutes. Something is defenetly wrong with him.

Alex- So John, what's the assignment? Flirt with some girls?                                                                             John- Close...                                                                                                                                                                           Burr- Do someone's homework, again?                                                                                                                       Lafayette- Ask a certain person out?                                                                                                                             Hercules- Make someone so pissed that they have to go to a counselor for help? Cause that's easy for Thomas.                                                                                                                                                                     Thomas- First, that's rude. Second, that's true. Third, at least I don't date a different girl every single month!                                                                                                                                                               Hercules- Hey, what can I say? It's hard to have intercourse over four sets of dresses.

 Hercules said that so loud that he got detention for a week. Ah, it's good to be back. 

John- Anyways, do you guys want to hear the dare or not?                                                                                 Hercules, Lafayette, Alex, Thomas- Yes! Of coarse.                                                                                                 John- We have to become friends with Ms. Smiles by the end of the year.                                                 

Thomas started laughing out of no where.

Thomas- R-really? But that so e-easy. Ha!                                                                                                                   John- There's more. Alexander, you probably want to listen to this...

Eliza POV 

Eliza- Can you believe Hercules said that?

   Homeroom was over and I was walking to my advanced math class with Theo and Angelica. We were talking about how the boys are just plain old jerks, just like everyday.

Theodosia- He has issues, I swear.                                                                                                                                  Angelica- He's a jerk. He deserves detention of a month, along with all of those asses.                        Theodosia- Whoa, whoa, whoa. What did Burr ever do? He's a nice guy! He never did anything wrong! He too nice, sweet, smart, handsome, has the best eyes, and is so ho- wait. Forget what I just said.                                                                                                                                                                                     Eliza- Theo, just admit it! You love Burr!                                                                                                                      Theodosia- Whaaaaat? No I don't! That's... that's nonsense! Besides, Burr probably has a girlfriend already!                                                                                                                                                                   Burr- Actually, I'm totally single!                                                                                                                                    Theodosia- Burr! H-How long w-were you standing there?!                                                                               Burr- Well, I just got here to hear that you thought I was taken.                                                        Angelica- We'll leave you to it!                              

     Angelica and I sat at our normal spots and gossiped, talked about the "Shipping Club", and about how cute Aaron and Theo would be together.

Alexander POV

Alex- What?!                    

     John just told me in our English class that my part of the dare was something I refuse to do.

John- I'm sorry! I didn't have a choice! If I turned that part down, I would turn the whole dare down! And if that happened, we would all have a living h*ll to deal with.                                                    Lafayette- Mon ami, don't worry. Just go up to her and ask her out! Facile comme ça! (Thank you Google Translate)

I spent the rest of my day wondering:

How was I going to make Eliza fall in love with a bastard like me before the end of the year?

Edit: Soooo, I was hoping that the conversations would look normal, but it didn't work. Everything just looks drunk and sloppy. Sorry! Won't do it next time! 

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