Ch 15.5- Dangerous pt 2

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Peggy POV

      I woke up to Maria looking around the room confused. Of coarse, I'm confused too. Where the hell are we, and why does it smell like a butt?? Our arms were tried together and we were also tied to chairs. 

     A few minutes later, the jerks come in.

Lee- Ahh, the gays are awake!

King- Shall we hurt them now, sir?

Lee- No, let's first explain the plan.

Maria- What do you want, Charles?

Peggy- Yeah, and where's my pizza?

Eacker- We'll give you your pizza if you shut the hell up and listen!

       I immediately shut up. Girl, I'll do anything for food. 

Lee- Anyways, we want to ruin your plan of Hamliza. 

Maria- You dick


Peggy- Maria!

King- We told you to shut up!

Peggy-Whatever, just continue!

Lee- We want to stop the plan, so that the dare won't be completed and the boys get their punishments.

Peggy- What is their punishment.

Lee- To tell the whole their secrets that no one knows but us.

     He gestures towards his gang. Maria and I turn our heads and look towards each other. Well... I'm confused. 

Lee- Anyways, I'm not gonna tell you the secrets now because it's gonna be a secret until the deadline ends. But we will tell you what to do.

Seabury- Maria, you need to take Alex for yourself.

Maria/Peggy- What??

Seabury- You heard me. And Peggy, you need to abandon your friends.

Peggy- Why?!

Seabury- We don't want you to tell any of them about this.

      Some of the boys whisper among each other, then turn back to us.

King- You also need to date Lee.


Lee- Then you can watch your friends suffer.

      I had to think about that for a second. I turn to Maria and give her a sad smile and nod.

Maria- We accept. 

oof i'm sad and depressed. Sorry for a short chapter, I'm busy with Mother's Day and shopping and homework. I WANNA DIEEEE 

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