Ch. 10- A Different Side of Peggy

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Eliza POV

    When we arrived at the hospital, everything went by as quick as lightning. The last thing I knew, I was holding Alexander's hand when the car stopped and the doors open. Now, my friends and I are being walked in by Martha. When we got inside, we see a familiar face sitting on a chair with coffee.

John- Mr. Washington?

Washington- Kids? 

Thomas- What are you doing here, Mr. Washingmachine?

Maria- Are you waiting for someone?

Martha- George?

      Martha and George walk towards each other. They shared a hug and a kiss, George holding the cup of coffee to the side.

Martha- What are you doing here?

George- I brought you some coffee, since it's cold and I figured that since you're working over night, you should get some caffeine.

Martha- Aww, I love you.

George- I love you too, dear.

Thomas- Yuck.

      Some of us chuckled, some of us blushed, and some hit Thomas. I just stood there, hoping no one would would notice and forget me. Sadly, that wish didn't come true.

Theodosia- Eliza, don't worry. Alex will be ok.

George- Alex? What's wrong? What happened?

      I couldn't handle this anymore. I just broke down and cried, running out of the hospital. I don't know what I'm doing, I just can't be in that hospital anymore. Running outside, my friends call for me. 

Peggy POV

    Eliza runs out crying. It's obvious that she loves him, but it's also obvious that she doesn't know why.

(A/N- This is taking so long to write, because I keep getting distracted because I'm watching Star Wars. Wow, watching Star Wars, writing fanfictions, and eating! I'M A FREAKING MULTITASKER!!)

Maria- We don't know. According to Eliza, he just completely drifted off into space and wouldn't talk or anything.

Burr- Well actually, some of us know-

Maria- What??

Theodosia- What's wrong with him?

Peggy- I like food.

Angelica- Tell us!

Burr- Well, I was going to but you interrupt me-


Burr- Can you let me talk?

Peggy- Oh yeah, sorry.

Burr- Thank you. Ever since he came here from the Caribbean, he would completely shut down and would stay that way for about a half hour. But this time, since he was put to sleep, he may stay like that for a day or so.

      There was a moment of silence. After a while, John and I decide to go and get Eliza.

John- Eliza?


John- Eliza, we know your out here.

      Nothing. Why isn't she answering?

Peggy- Marco!

       Still nothing. She never turns down Marco Polo. After walking around, we find Eliza sitting on a bench, playing with her hands. This is the first time I've seen Eliza like this since we had a father.

John- Eliza?

       She doesn't look up. I can tell that she was crying. we sit down on both sides of her.  

Peggy- I can't say that I know what your dealing with, but I can tell you that everything will be ok. We've only known the boys for a month. And I can tell that Alex is strong and will survive this. There's no need to cry. We're all here for you, Eliza.

      John and her look up at me wide-eyed and jaws dropped.

Peggy- What? It's not like I've been in this situation before.

     And with that, I walk inside and don't bother looking at their expressions.

Wow, Peggy actually has a serious side. Who would've known? 

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